Podarcis   WAGLER, 1830

Podarcis   WAGLER, 1830

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  • Ábalos Álvarez, J. (2021) -  The functional significance of colour polymorphism in the European common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). -  Thesis, Universität Valencia. 302 p.   

  • Abalos Alvarez, J. & Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Carazo Ferrandis, P. & Font, E. & Carretero, M.A. (2014) -  Función de las manchas UV y de la coloración ventral en combates entre machos en una población policromática de Podarcis muralis. - Role of alternative ventral coloration and UV ornaments in staged combats between males of a polychromatic population of common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). -  Oral communication, Abstracts XIII Iberian Congress of Herpetology, Aveiro, Portugal: 47.   

  • Ábalos, J. (2016) -  Colores de Guerra: function de la coloración ventral y de las manchas UV en combates entre machos Podarcis muralis. -  Máster en Etologia Universidad de Córdoba. 40 pp.     

  • Abalos, J. & Lanuza, G.P. i de & Bartolomé, A. & Liehrmann, O. & Aubret, F. & Font, E. (2024) -  Behavioral threat and appeasement signals take precedence over static colors in lizard contests. -  Behavioral Ecology, 35(4) arae045. (early view) 19 pp     

  • Abalos, J. & Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Bartolomé, A. & Aubret, F. & Uller, T. & Font, E. (2021) -  Viability, behavior, and color expression in the offspring of matings between common wall lizard Podarcis muralis color morphs. -  Current Zoology, 2021, zoab039, https://doi.org/10.1093/cz/zoab039    

  • Ábalos, J. & Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Bartolomé, A. & Liehrmann, O. & Laakkonen, H. & Aubret, F. & Uller, T. & Carazo, P. & Font, E. (2020) -  No evidence for differential sociosexual behavior and space use in the color morphs of the European common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). -  Ecology and Evolution. 10: 10986-11005.     

  • Ábalos, J. & Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Carazo, P. & Font, E. (2016) -  The role of male coloration in the outcome of staged contests in the European common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). -  Behaviour, 153 (5): 607-631.    

  • Ábalos, J. & Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Reguera, S. & Badiane, A. & Brejcha, J. & Font, E. (2017) -  First record of bluish Podarcis muralis (LAURENTI, 1768). -  Herpetozoa, 29 (3/4): 218-223.  

  • Ábalos, J. & Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Reguera, S. & Badiane, A. & Brejcha, J. & Font, E. (2017) -  Whiter than white: dimorphism in the white ventral coloration of Podarcis muralis. -  Poster  

  • Abbate, F. & Guerrera, M.C. & Montalbano, G. & Zichichi, R. & Germanà, A. & Ciriaco, E. (2010) -  Morphology of the Lingual Dorsal Surface and Oral Taste Buds in Italian Lizard (Podarcis sicula). -  Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 39 (2): 167-171.    

  • Abd Meziem, N. (2005) -  Contribution à l’etude de la variabilité phénotypique et dimorphisme sexuel chez le lézard des murailles (Podarcis hispanicus vaucheri) dans les wilayas de Titi-Ouzou et Batna (Algerie). -  Université Mouloud Mammeri, 2005: 437-440.  

  • Abdala, V. & S. Moro (2003) -  A Cladistic Analysis of Ten Lizard Families (Reptilia: Squamata) Based on Cranial Musculature. -  Russian Journal of Herpetology, 10 (1): 53-78.     

  • Abel, E. (1951) -  Über das Geruchsvermögen der Eidechsen. -  Österreichische Zoologische Zeitschrift, Wien, 3: 83-125.    

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  • Abel, E. (1954) -  Lacerta sicula coerulea, die blaue Eidechse von Capri. -  Die Aquarien- und Terrarienzeitschrift, Stuttgart 7 (4): 97-101.    

  • Abrahmsen, B. (1988) -  Nahrungsanalyse bei Zaun- und Mauereidechsen (Lacerta agilis und Podarcis muralis). -  Unpubublished Diplomarbeit, Universität Zürich. 63 pp.  

  • Abreu Arvela, C. de (2020) -  O uso por lacertídeos deelementosbiofísicosda paisagem demontado. -  Dissertação Universidade de Évora-Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia, Mestrado em Biologia da Conservação. 64 pp.     

  • Abreu, J.G.T. (2022) -  Contributo da herpetofauna para a relevᾶncia do património natural do Alto de Sᾶo Bento (Évora). -  Disserta̧cᾶo Universidade de ́Evora - Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia. 57 pp.     

  • Ackermann, G. (2012) -  Euscorpius sp. (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) als potentieller Prädator juveniler Eidechsen. -  Die Eidechse, 23 (1): 31.  

  • Adamopoulou, C. (1999) -  Structure and function of epigeic animal communities with emphasis in the lizard Podarcis milensis (Sauria: Lacertidae), in insular ecosystems of the Aegean. -  Unpubl. Ph.D.diss., Univ. of Athens, Athens, Greece.  

  • Adamopoulou, C. (1999) -  Resúmenes de Tesis. Structure and function of epigeic animal communities with emphasis in the lizard Podarcis milensis (Sauria: Lacertidae), in insular ecosystems of the Aegean. -  Rev. Esp. Herp., 13: 133-135.   

  • Adamopoulou, C. (2015) -  First record of Podarcis siculus (RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, 1810) from Greece. -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 27 (3/4): 187-188.   

  • Adamopoulou, C. & Legakis, A. (2002) -  Diet of a lacertid lizard (Podarcis milensis) in an insular dune ecosystem. -  Israel Journal of Zoology, 48: 207-219.    

  • Adamopoulou, C. & Legakis, A. (2002) -  Effects of body size, throat color and residency on the outcome of intrasexual encounters in the males of the lacertid Podarcis milensis: ecological and evolutionary implications. -  6th International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, Patras, Greece, 9-16/9/2002. Book of Abstracts: 267.  

  • Adamopoulou, C. & Pafilis, P. (2019) -  Eaten or beaten? Severe population decline of the invasive lizard Podarcis siculus (Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810) after an eradication project in Athens, Greece. -  ÖGH Herpetozoa, 32: 165-169.     

  • Adamopoulou, C. & Valakos, E.D. (1998) -  Female reproduction in Podarcis milensis (Sauria: Lacertridae). -  In: Janev, B., Grbac, I., Lupret-Obradović & B. Lazar (eds.): Abstracts of the 3rd International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 25-29 May 1998, Cres, Croatia: 27.  

  • Adamopoulou, C. & Valakos, E.D. (2000) -  Small clutch size in a Mediterranean endemic lizard (Podarcis milensis). -  Copeia, 2000 (2): 610-614.    

  • Adamopoulou, C. & Valakos, E.D. (2005) -  Thermal ecology and activity cycle of Podarcis milensis in a sandy coastal area. -  Israel Journal of Zoology, 51 (1): 39-52.    

  • Adamopoulou, C. & Valakos, E.D. & Legakis, A. (1997) -  Reproduction in the Greek endemic lizard Podarcis milensis (Sauria: Lacertidae).  -  In: Rocek, Z. & S. Hart (Hrsg.): Herpetology ´97 – Abstracts of the Third World Congress of Herpetology 2-10 August 1997 Prague, Czech Republic: 13.  

  • Adamopoulou, C. & Valakos, E.D. & Pafilis, P. (1999) -  Summer diet of Podarcis milensis, P. gaigeae and P. erhardii (Sauria: Lacertidae). -  Bonner zoologische Beiträge, Bonn, 48 (3/4): 275-282.    

  • Adamopoulou, C. & Zotos, S. & Legakis, A. (2004) -  Spatial organization of a population of Podarcis milensis. -  In: Corti, C. & P. Lo Cascio (eds.): 5th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 7-11 May 2004, Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Sicily, Italy: 1.     

  • Adams, A.L. (1870) -  Reptiles -  In: Notes of a naturalist in the Nile Valley and Malta. Edingburgh: Edmonton and Douglas. Page 80-82.  

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  • Aellen, V. & Perret, J.L. (1953) -  Sur la répartition actuelle des reptiles et amphibiens dans le canton de Neuchatel. -  Bulletin de la Société Neuchâteloise des Sciences Naturelles, 76: 99-109.  

  • Afonso, T.I.Z.T. (2015) -  Uso do habitat por lagartixas em sistemas agro-silvo-pastoris de montado. -  Dissertacao Universidade de Évora, Escola de Ciencies e Tecnologia, Departamento de Biologia. 96 pp.     

  • Agapito, A.B. (2021) -  Istraživačko ponašanje i neofobija juvenilnih jedinki iz pokusa križanja populacija primorske gušterice (Podarcis siculus). -  Diplomski Rad. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet.  

  • Agnese, M, & Rosati, L. & Prisco, M. & Coraggio, F. & Valiante, F. & Scudiero, R. & Laforgia, V. & Andreuccetti, P. (2014) -  The VIP/VPACR system in the reproductive cycle of male lizard Podarcis sicula. -  General and Compoarative Endocrinology, 205: 94-101.  

  • Agnese, M. & Rosati, L. & Coraggio, F. & Valiante,S. & Priosco, M. (2014) -  Molecular cloning of VIP and distribution of VIP/VPACR system in the testis of Podarcis sicula. -  Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 321 (6): 334-347.    

  • Agnese, M. & Valiante, S. & Angelini, F. & Laforgia, V. & Andreuccetti, P. & Prisco, M. (2010) -  Pituitary adenylate cyclise-activating polypeptide and its receptor PACI in the testis of Triturus carnifex and Podarcis sicula. -  General and Comparative Endocrinology, 168 (2): 256-261.   

  • Aguilar, P. & Andrade, P. & Afonso, S. & Carretero, M.A. & Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Pinho, C. (2022) -  No genomic repercussions of assortative pairing in a colour polymorphic lizard.  -  Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 35 (4): 648-656.   

  • Aguilar, P. & Andrade, P. & Pérez i de Lanuza, G. (2021) -  Epistatic interactions between pterin and carotenoid genesmodulate intra-morph color variation in a lizard. -  Integrative Zoology 2021: 1-10.     

  • Aguilar, P. & Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Carneiro, M. & Andrade, P. & Pinho, C. (2024) -  The role of historical biogeography in shaping colour morph diversity in the common wall lizard. -  Molecular Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/mec.17338.    

  • Ahl, E. (1927) -  Ueber einige Eidechsen von den Pityusen und Balearen. -  Das Aquarium, Berlin, December 1927: 11-12 +15.  

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  • Akeret, B. (2007) -  Sizilien im Frühjahr – Impressionen einer herpetologischen Exkursion. -  Zusammenfassung DGHT Jahrestagung in Hallein vom 3. bis 7. Oktober 2007. S. 49.   

  • Akeret, B. (2017) -  Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aurelio-Gebirgseidechse, Iberolacerta aurelioi (ARRIBAS, 1994) mit einer Anmerkung zur Höhenverbreitung der Mauereidechse, Polarcis murals (LAURENTI, 1768) in der Pyrenäen. -  Die Eidechse, Magdeburg/Hamburg, 28 (3): 65-72.  

  • Al-Sadoon, M.K. & Spellerberg, I.F. (1985) -  Effect of Temperature on the Oxygen Consumption of Lizards from different Climatic Regions. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 6 (3): 241-258.    

  • Alagic, A. & Krofel, M. & Lazic, M. & Zagar, A. (2021) -  Effects of biotic and abiotic stressors on asymmetries and head size in two sympatric lizard species. -  Animal Biology 71: 329–347; + 26 pp suppl.     

  • Alagic, A. & Zagart, A. & Krofel, M. & Lazic, M. (2018) -  Effect of biotic and abiotic factors on asymmetry of physical characteristics in Common Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis) and Horvath’s Rock Lizard (Iberolacerta horvathi).  -  In: 13th CROATIAN BIOLOGICAL CONGRESS With International Participation, 19th - 23rd September 2018, Poreč, Croatia. Book of Abstracts. pp. 8-9.     

  • Alarcos Izquierdo, G. et al. (2023) -  Seguimiento del estado de conservación de las poblaciones de reptiles en Castilla y León. -  In: Miranda Chueca, M.A. & E. Montes Vadillo (eds.) Invasiones Biológicas en Islas XVII Congreso Luso-Español de Herpetología y XXI Congreso Español de Herpetología - Libro de resúmenes: 138-139.    

  • Alarcos, G. & Madrigal, J. & Ortiz-Santaliestra, M.E. & Fernández-Benéitez, M.J. & Lizana, M. & Garcia, P. (2009) -  Nuevos datos sobre presencia de galápagos en Salamanca y Zamora, y de otras especies de herpetofauna. -  Boletin de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 20: 80-87.   

  • Albinet, S. (2009) -  Atlas des Reptiles et Amphibiens de Tarn-et-Garonne et de Grésigne : état d’avancement au 01/12/2009.  -  Bulletin de la Société des sciences naturelles de Tarn-et-Garonne, (33): 31-49.     

  • Albinet, S. & Muratet, J. & Vacher, J.-P. (2013) -  Herpétofaune de la commune de Toulouse, Haute-Garonne (31). -  Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France, 147: 351-376.    

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  • Aleksandric, D. (2022) -  Primjena metode bukalnog brisa u toksikologiji herpetofaune. -  Bachelor Thesis. Osijek: Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Odjel za biologiju, 2022.  

  • Aleksic, I. & Ivanovic, A. & Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. & Kalezic, M.L. (2009) -  Sex size and shape differences in the lacertid community (Podarcis spp. and Archaeolacerta sp.) from the Lake Skadar region (Montenegro). -  Italian Journal of Zoology, 76 (1): 43-52.  

  • Aleksic, I. & Ljubisavljevic, K. (2001) -  Reproductive cycle in the Common Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis) from Belgrade. -  Archives of Biological Science, Belgrade, 53 (3-4): 73-81.  

  • Alemany, I. & Pérez-Cembranos, A. & Pérez-Mellado, V. & Castro, J.A. & Picornell, A. & Ramon, C. & Jurado-Rivera, J.A. (2022) -  DNA metabarcoding the diet of Podarcis lizards endemic to the Balearic Islands. -  Current Zoology, xx: 1-13.    

  • Alemany, I. & Pérez-Cembranus, A. & Castro, J.A. & Picornell, A. & Pérez-Mellado, V. & Ramon, C. (2023) -  Diet of the Insular Lizard, Podarcis lilfordi (Günther, 1874): Complementary Morphological and Molecular Approaches.  -  Animals 2023, 13, 507 (early view) 23 pp.     

  • Alemany, I. & Pérez‐Cembranos, A. & Pérez‐Mellado, V. & Castro, J.A. & Picornell, A. & Ramon, C. & Jurado‐Rivera, J.A. (2022) -  Faecal Microbiota Divergence in Allopatric Populations of Podarcis lilfordi and P. pityusensis, Two Lizard Species Endemic to the Balearic Islands. -  Microbial Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-022-02019-3    

  • Alibardi, L. (2010) -  Autoradiographic observations on developing and growing claws of reptiles. -  Acta Zoologica, Stockholm, 91 (2): 233–241.  

  • Alibardi, L. (2012) -  Observations on FGF immunoreactivity in the regenerating tail blastema, and in the limb and tail scars of lizard suggest that FGFs are required for regeneration. -  Belgian Journal of Zoology, Brussels, 142 (1) : 23-38.    

  • Alibardi, L. (2013) -  Immunolocalization of Nestin in the lizard Podarcis muralis indicates up-regulation during the process of tail regeneration and epidermal differentiation. -  Annals of Anatomy – Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2013.  

  • Alibardi, L. (2014) -  Observations on Lumbar Spinal Cord Recovery after Lesion in Lizards Indicates Regeneration of a Cellular and Fibrous Bridge Reconnecting the Injured Cord. -  Journal of Development Biology, 2( 4): 210-229.    

  • Alibardi, L. (2015) -  Immunolocalization of a p53/p63-like preotein in the regenerating tail of the wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) suggests it is involved in the differentiation of the epidermis.. -  Acta Zoologica, 93 (4): 395-406.  

  • Alibardi, L. (2015) -  Regeneration of the epiphysis including the articular cartilage in the injured knees of the lizard Podarcis muralis. -  Journal of Development Biology, 3 (2): 71-89.  

  • Alibardi, L. (2015) -  Ultrastructural observations on Lumbar Spinal Cord recovery after lesion in lizard indicates axonal regeneration and neurogenesis.  -  International Journal of Biology, 7 (1): 122-136.     

  • Alibardi, L. (2015) -  Regeneration of articular cartilage in lizard knee from resident Stem/Progenitor cells. -  International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16: 20731-20747.     

  • Alibardi, L. (2017) -  Immunohistochemical and western blot analysis suggest that the soluble forms of FGF1-2 and FGFR1-2 sustain tail regeneration in the lizard. -  Annals of Anatomy – Anatoiscjher Anzeiger, 214: 67-74.  

  • Alibardi, L. (2017) -  Review: Biological and molecular differences between tail regeneration and limb scarring in lizard: An inspiring model addressing limb regeneration in amniotes. -  Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 328 (6): 493-514.    

  • Alibardi, L. (2018) -  Immunodetection of High Mobility Group Proteins in the regenerating tail of lizard mainly indicates activation for cell proliferation.  -  Acta Zoologica, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1111/azo.12259  

  • Alibardi, L. (2018) -  Immunolocalization of Matrix Metalloproteinases in regenerating lizard tail suggests that an intense remodelling activity allows for apical tail growth. -  Acta Zoologica, 2018. doi.org/10.1111/azo.12277  

  • Alibardi, L. (2018) -  Msx1‐2 immunolocalization in the regenerating tail of a lizard but not in the scarring limb suggests its involvement in the process of regeneration. -  Acta Zoologica, 99 (2): 143-150.  

  • Alibardi, L. (2018) -  Tail regeneration reduction in lizards after repetitive amputation or cauterization reflects an increase of immune cells in blastemas. -  Zoological Research, Kunming, 39 (6): 413-423.    

  • Alibardi, L. (2019) -  Immunohistochemical localization of a proto‐cadherin fat tumour‐suppressor homolog in the regenerating tail of lizard suggests a role in apical growth control. -  Acta Zoologica, 2019. doi.org/10.1111/azo.12290  

  • Alibardi, L. (2019) -  Immunodetection of ephrin receptors in the regenerating tail of the lizard Podarcis muralis suggests stimulation of differentiation and muscle segmentation. -  Zoological Research, Kunming, 40 (5): 416-426.    

  • Alibardi, L. (2020) -  Autoradiography and inmmunolabeling suggests that lizard blastema contains arginase-positive M2-like macrophages that may support tail regeneration. -  Annals of anatomy – Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2020: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aanat.2020.151549  

  • Alibardi, L. (2020) -  Microscopic observations on amputated and scarring lizard digits show an intense inflammatory reaction. -  Zoology, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.zool.2019.125737  

  • Alibardi, L. (2021) -  Immunolocalization of Cell Adhesion Molecules during tail regeneration in the lizard Podarcis muralis indicates coordinated control of epithelial differentiation. -  Acta Zoologica, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/azo.12393  

  • Alibardi, L. (2021) -  Microscopy suggests that glutathione S-transferase is stored in large granules of myeloid cells in bone marrow and sparse granulocytes of the regenerating tail of lizard. -  Acta Zoologica, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/azo.12413  

  • Alibardi, L. (2022) -  Immunohistochemistry indicates that persistent inflammation determines failure of tail, limb and finger regeneration in the Lizard Podarcis muralis. -  Annals of Anatomy – Anatomischer Anzeiger, 243.  

  • Alibardi, L. (2022) -  Immunolocalization of tumor suppressors arhgap28 and retinoblastoma in the lizard Podarcis muralis suggests that they contribute to the regulated regeneration of the tail. -  Journal of Morphology, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1002/jmor.21484.  

  • Alibardi, L. & Borsetti, F. (2019) -  Immunolabelling for RhoV and actin in early regenerating tail of the lizard Podarcis muralis suggests involvement in epithelial and mesenchymal cell motility. -  Acta Zoologica, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1111/azo.12314  

  • Alibardi, L. & Maurizii, M. & Taddei, C. (2001) -  Immunocytochemical and electrophoretic distribution of cytokeratins in the resting stage epidermis of the lizard Podarcis sicula. -  Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology, 289 (7): 409-418.    

  • Alibardi, L. & Maurizii, M.G. & Taddei, C. (2000) -  Immunocytochemical and electrophoretic distribution of cytokeratins inthe regenerating epidermis of the lizard Podarcis muralis. -  Journal of Morphology, 246 (3): 179-191.  

  • Alibardi, L. & Miolo, V. (1990) -  Fine observation on nerves colonizing the regenerating tail of the lizard Podarcis sicula. -  Histology and Histopathology, 5: 387-396.     

  • Alibardi, L. & Sala, M. (1981) -  Indagini istochimiche sulla struttura della cartilagine rigenerata nella coda di Lacerta sicula. -  Archivio Italiano di Anatomia e di Embriologia, Firenze, 86: 163-182.  

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  • Allain, S.J.R. & Mattea, R.G. (2019) -  Extreme Necrosis in an Italian Wall Lizard (Podarcis sicula). -  IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 26(2): 102.  

  • Allan, G.M. & Prelypchan, C.J. & Gregory, P.T. (2006) -  Population profile of an introduced species, the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis), on Vancouver Island, Canada. -  Canadian Journal of Zoology, 84 (1): 51-57.    

  • Allan, M. & Prelypchan, C.J. & Gregory, P.T. & Waye, H.L. (1993) -  The ecology of introduced Common Wall Lizards (Podarcis muralis) on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. -  Report submitted to the British Columbia Ministry of the Environment.  

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