Iberolacerta cyreni   (MÜLLER & HELLMICH, 1937)

Iberolacerta cyreni   (MÜLLER & HELLMICH, 1937)

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  • Aguado, S. & Brana, F. (2014) -  Thermoregulation in a cold-adapted species (Cyren’s Rock Lizard, Iberolacerta cyreni): influence of thermal environment and associated costs. -  Canadian Journal of Zoology, 92 (11): 955-964.     

  • Alarcos Izquierdo, G. et al. (2023) -  Seguimiento del estado de conservación de las poblaciones de reptiles en Castilla y León. -  In: Miranda Chueca, M.A. & E. Montes Vadillo (eds.) Invasiones Biológicas en Islas XVII Congreso Luso-Español de Herpetología y XXI Congreso Español de Herpetología - Libro de resúmenes: 138-139.    

  • Almeida, A.P. & Rosa, H.D. & Paulo, O.S. & Crespo, E.G. (2002) -  Genetic differenciation of populations of Iberian rock-lizards Iberolacerta (Iberolacerta) sensu Arribas (1999). -  Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, Berlin, 40 (2): 57-64.    

  • Amo, L. & Lopez, P. & Martin, J. (2007) -  Habitat deterioration affects body condition of lizards: A behavioral approach with Iberolacerta cyreni lizards inhabiting ski resorts. -  Biological Conservation, 135 (1): 77-85.    

  • Amo, L. & López, P. & Martín, J. (2007) -  Pregnant female lizards Iberolacerta cyreni adjust refuge use to decrease thermal costs for their body condition and cell-mediated immune response. -  Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 307 (2): 106–112.    

  • Amo, L. & López, P. & Martin, J. (2007) -  Refuge use: a conflict beteen avoiding predation and loing mass in lizards. -  Physiology & Behavior, 90 (2-3): 334-343.   

  • Aragón, P. & López, P. & Martín, J. (2008) -  Increased predation risk modifies lizard scent-mark chemicals. -  Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 309 (7): 427–433.    

  • Arnold, E.N. & Arribas, O. & Carranza, S. (2007) -  Systematics of the Palaearctic and Oriental lizard tribe Lacertini (Squamata: Lacertidae: Lacertinae), with descriptions of eight new genera. -  Zootaxa, 1430: 1-86.    

  • Arribas, O.J. (1996) -  Taxonomic revision of the Iberian ´Archaeolacertae` I: A new interpretation of the geographical variation of ´Lacerta` monticola BOULENGER, 1905 and ´Lacerta` cyreni MÜLLER & HELLMICH, 1937 (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae). -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 9 (1/2): 31-56.    

  • Arribas, O.J. (2010) -  Intraspecific variability of the Carpetane Lizard (Iberolacerta cyreni [Müller & Hellmich, 1937]) (Squamata: Lacertidae), with special reference to the unstudied peripheral populations from the Sierras de Avila (Paramera, Serrota and Villafranca). -  Bonn zoological Bulletin, Bonn, 57 (2): 197-210.    

  • Arribas, O.J. (2017) -  Hemipenial morphology and microornamentation in Iberolacerta Arribas, 1997 (Squamata: Lacertidae) -  Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Herpetologia, Barcelona, 24: 12-23.    

  • Arribas, O.J. (2019) -  Microornamentación de las escamas en Lacertini, I: Archaeolacerta, Algyroides, Hellenolacerta, Iberolacerta, Darevskia, Dalmatolacerta, Dinarolacerta, Parvilacerta, Apathya y Teira. -  Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Herpetologia, Barcelona, 27: 33-56.    

  • Ayllón Lopez, E. & Barbera Luna, J.C. (2011) -  La herpetofauna de la Comunidad de Madrid. -  Foresta, 52: 58-67.  

  • Bertók, P. (2014) -  Relationship of behavioral consistency and unique quality-attributes in male lizards (Iberolacerta cyreni). -  Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Institute of Biology, Budapest. 49 pp.  

    Bertók, P. (2014) -  Visselkedés konzisztencia és egyedi minöségjelzö tulajdonságok kapcsolata him gyíkoknál (Iberolacerta cyreni).  -  Szent István Egyetem, Állatorvos-tudományi Kar Biológiai Intézet. 49 pp.   

  • Biró, G. (2017) -  Effect of testosterone on aggressiveness in different contexts in male Iberolacerta cyreni lizards. -  MSc thesis, Institute of Biology, University of Veterinary Science, Budapest. 33 pp.  

    Biró, G. (2017) -  Tesztoszteron hatása az agresszív személyiségre különböző kontextusokban hím Iberolacerta cyreni gyíkoknál. -  Állatorvostudományi Egyetem Biológiai Intézet. 33 pp.     

  • Bloor, P. (2006) -  Polymorphic microsatellite markers for the Iberian rock lizard, Iberolacerta cyreni, and cross-species priming in other Oberolacerta species. -  Molecular Ecology Notes, 6: 1252-1254.  

  • Börner, A.-R. (1975) -  An annotated checklist and key to the saurofauna of Southeastern and Central Spain. -  Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society, 11 (2): 31-39.   

  • Brown, R.P. (2005) -  Large Subunit Mitochondrial rRNA Secondary Structures and Site-Specific Rate Variation in Two Lizard Lineages -  Journal of Molecular Evolution, 60 (1): 45-56    

  • Cabido, C. (2009) -  Environmntal influences on multi-modal signalling across Iberian Rock Lizard populations. -  In: Cabido, C. (ed.): Evolución de las señales implicadas en los procesos de selección sexual de las lagartijas serranas ibericas (Género Iberolacerta). – Tesis Doctoral, Memoria presentada por el Licenciado en Biología Carlos Cabido Quintas para optar al título de Doctor en Biología por la Universidad de A Coruña. pp. 57-73.   

  • Cabido, C. & Galán, P. & López, P. & Martín, J. (2009) -  Conspicuousness-dependent antipredatory behavior may counteract coloration differences in Iberian rock lizards. -  Behavioral Ecology, 20 (2): 362-370.    

  • Cabido, C. & López, P. & Martin, J. (2006) -  Diferencias microgeográficas en señales químicas de los machos, reconocimiento químico y elección de pareja por las hembras en la lagartija carpetana, Iberolacerta cyreni: consecuencias en los procesos de especiación. (Oral Communication). -  Lehen Herpetologica Kongresua Euskal Herrian IX Congresso Luso-Espanhol XIII Congresso Español de Herpetología., Donostia-San Sebastián, ESPANYA: 37-38.   

  • Carranza, S. & Arnold, E.N. & Amat, F. (2004) -  DNA phylogeny of Lacerta (Iberolacerta) and other lacertine lizards (Reptilia: Lacertidae): did competition cause long-term mountain restriction? -  Systematics and Biodiversity, 2(1): 57-77    

  • Carretero, M.A. & Martínez-Solano, Í. & Ayllón, E. & Llorente, G. (2018) -  Lista patrón de los anfibios y reptiles de España (Actualizada a diciembre de 2018). -  Asociación Herpetológica Española. 83 pp.  

  • Cooper Jr., W.E. & López, P. & Martín, J. & Pérez-Mellado, V. (2012) -  Latency to flee from an immobile predator: effects of predation risk and cost of immobility for the prey. -  Behavioral Ecology, 23 (4): 790-797.    

  • Cox, N.A. & Temple, H.J. (2009) -  European Red List of Reptiles. -  Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.   

  • Crochet, P.-A. & Chaline, O. & Surget-Groba, Y. & Debain, C. & Cheylana, M. (2004) -  Speciation in mountains: phylogeography and phylogeny of the rock lizards genus Iberolacerta (Reptilia: Lacertidae). -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 30: 860–866.    

  • Dominguez, L. & Elvira, B. & Vigal, C.R. (1981) -  El régimen de Lacerta monticola cyreni en la Sierra de Guadarrama (España Central). -  Coloquio Franco-Español de Herpetologica. Jaca. Comunicación no publicada.  

  • Dominguez, L. & Elvira, B. & Vigal, C.R. (1982) -  Alimentación de Lacerta monticola cyreni Müller y Hellmich, 1936 en la Sierra de Guadarrama. -  Publicaciones del Centro Pirenaico de Biología experimental, Jaca,, 13 : 71-75.  

  • Elvira, B. & Vigal, C.R. (1985) -  Further data on the reproduction of Lacerta monticola cyreni (Sauria, Lacertidae) in Central Spain. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 6 (2): 173-17.  

  • Garcia-Diez, T. & González-Fernández, J.E. (2013) -  The reptile type specimens preserved in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC) of Madrid, Spain. -  Zootaxa, 3619 (1): 46-58.    

  • Garcia-Porta, J. & Irisarri, I. & Kirchner, M. & Rodríguez, A. & Kirchhof, S. & Brown, J.L. & MacLeod, A. & Turner, A.P. & Ahmadzadeh, F. & Albaladejo, G. & Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. & Riva, I. de la & Fawzi, A. & Galán, P. & Göçmen, B. & Harris, D.J. & Jiménez-Robles, O. & Joger, U. & Jovanović Glavaš, O. & Karış, M. & Koziel, G. & Künzel, S. & Lyra, M. & Miles, D. & Nogales, M. & Oğuz, M.A. & Paf (2019) -  Environmental temperatures shape thermal physiology as well as diversification and genome-wide substitution rates in lizards. -  Nature Communications, 10: 4077.     

  • Garcia-Roa, R. (2017) -  Factores ecológicos y evolutivos que afectan a la dinámica de la comunicación química en lagartos. -  Tesis Universidad Complutense de Madrid.   

  • Garcia-Roa, R. & Ortega, J. & López, P. & Martin, J. (2015) -  Coloración atipica en una hembra de Iberolacertra cyreni en la Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid). -  Boletin de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 26 (1): 8-10.   

  • Garcia-Roa, R. & Sáiz, J. & Gómara, B. & López, P. & Martin, J. (2017) -  Dietary constraints can preclude the expression of an honest chemical sexual signal. -  Scientific Reports, 7: 6073.    

  • Garcia-Roa, R. & Sáiz, J. & Gómara, B. & López, P. & Martin, J. (2018) -  How to tackle chemical communication? Relative proportions versus semiquantitative determination of compounds in lizard chemical secretions. -  Ecology and Evolution, 8 (4): 2032-2040.    

  • Garcia-Roja, R. & Llusia, D. & López, P. & Martin, J. (2017) -  First evidence of sound production in the genus Iberolacerta ARRIBAS, 1997 (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae). [Erster Nachweis einer Lautäußerung bei der Gattung Iberolacerta ARRIBAS, 1997 (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae)].  -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 29 (3/4): 175-181.     

  • Gisbert, J. (1981) -  La Lagartija serrana de la Sierra de Gredos, Lacerta monticola cyreni: Datos sobre su biometria, coloración, diseño, folidosis, ecologia y distribución. -  Coloquio Franco-Español de Herpetologia. Comunicación no publicada.  

  • Glandt, D. (2010) -  Iberolacertas cyreni (MÜLLER & HELLMICH, 1937) Zentralspanische Gebirgseidechse. -  In: Taschenlexikon der Amphibien und Reptilien Europas. Alle Arten von den Kanarischen Inseln bis zum Ural. Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim. S. 387-389.   

  • Hipsley, C. (2012) -  Evolutionary consequences of Cenozoic climate change on African lacertid lizards (Squamata: Lacertidae). -  Ph.D. dissertation, University of California. 126 pp.    

  • Horváth, G. & Jiménez-Robles, O. & Martin, J. & López, P. & Riva, I. de la & Herczeg, G. (2020) -  Linking behavioral thermoregulation, boldness, and individual state in male Carpetan rock lizards. -  Ecology and Evolution. 2020; 00: 1–12. (early view)     

  • Horvath, G. & López, P. & Martin, J. (2014) -  Personalidades, variación comportamental y características individuales en machos reproductores de la lagartiga carpetana (Iberolacerta cyreni).  -  Estación Biológica “El Ventorillo”, Museo nacional de ciencias naturales: 25-26.   

  • Horváth, G. & Martin Rueda, J. & Herczeg, G. (2021) -  A case of kyphosis in adult male Cyren’s rock lizard Iberolacerta cyreni. -  The Herpetologica Bulletin, 155: 1-4.     

  • Horváth, G. & Martin, J. & López, P. (2016) -  Cold-blooded personalities: Vitamin D and food shortage affects risk-taking behaviour of male Carpetan Rock-Lizards (Iberolacerta cyreni). -  Abstracts of the 9th Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin & 1st Symposium on Mediterranean Lizards, 20-23 June 2016 at Limassol. Nicosia, Cyprus: 21.    

  • Horváth, G. & Martin, J. & López, P. & Garamszegi, L.Z. & Bertok, P. & Herczeg, G. (2016) -  Blood parasite infection intensity covaries with risk-taking personalità in male Carpetan Rock Lizards (Iberolacerta cyreni). -  Ecology, 122 (5): 355-363.  

  • Horváth, G. & Martín, J. & López, P. & Garamszegi, L.Z. & Herczeg, G. (2017) -  Food and vitamin D3 availability affects lizard personalities: an experiment. -  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71: 27.    

  • Horváth, G. & Martin, J. & López, P. & Herczeg, G. (2020) -  Ain’t going down without a fight: state-and environment-dependence of antipredator defensive aggressive personalities in Carpetan rock lizard.  -  Behav Ecol Sociobiol 74, 139 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-020-02922-0.     

  • Jiménez-Robles, O. & de la Riva, I. (2019) -  Thermal ecology or interspecific competition: what drives the warm and cold distribution limits of mountain ectotherms? -  https://doi.org/10.32942/osf.io/g8mwu      

  • Kwet, A. (2005) -  Spanische-Gebirgseidechse Iberolacerta cyreni – Eidechsen Lacertidae. -  In: Kwet A. (Hrsg.): Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. S. 158-159.  

  • Langerwerf, B. (1980) -  The successful breeding of lizards from temperate regions. -  In: The care and breeding of captive reptiles. British Herpetological Society, London: 37-46.  

  • Lizana, M. & Martín-Sánchez, R. & Morales, J. & López-González, J. & Gutiérrez, J. (1993) -  Nuevas poblaciones de la Lagartija Serrana (Lacerta monticola cyreni) en las Sierras de Ávila. -  Boletin de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 4: 5-6.  

  • López, P. & Martín, J. (2005) -  Chemical compounds from femoral gland secretions of male Iberian rock lizards, Lacerta monticola cyreni. -  Z Naturforsch C., 60 (7-8): 632-636.  

  • López, P. & Martin, J. (2006) -  Los machos de lagartija carpetana (Iberolacerta cireni) reducen los costes de las luchas mediante el cotejado de olores. (Oral Communication). -  Lehen Herpetologica Kongresua Euskal Herrian IX Congresso Luso-Espanhol XIII Congresso Español de Herpetología., Donostia-San Sebastián, ESPANYA: 66-67.   

  • Mangiacotti, M. & Martin, J. & López, P. & Reyes-Olivares, C.V. & Rodriguez-Ruiz, G. & Coladonato, A.J. & Scali, S. & Zuffi, M.A.L. & Sacchi, R. (2020) -  Proteins from femoral gland secretions of male rock lizards Iberolacerta cyreni allow self—but not individual—recognition of unfamiliar males. -  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74:68 (early view) 10 pp.    

  • Marco, A. & López-Vicente, M. & Pérez-Mellado, V. (2004) -  Arsenic Uptake by Reptile Flexible-Shelled Eggs from Contaminated Nest Substrates and Toxic Effect on Embryos. -  Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 72: 983-990.  

  • Marco, A. & López-Vicente, M.L. & Pérez-Mellado, V. (2005) -  Soil acidification negatively affects embryonic development of flexible-shelled lizard eggs. -  Herpetological Journal, 15: 107-111.     

  • Martin, J. (2009) -  Lagartija carpetana – Iberolacerta cyreni (Müller y Hellmich, 1937). -  En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Marco, A. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.  

  • Martin, J. (2015) -  Lagartija carpetana – Iberolacerta cyreni (Müller y Hellmich, 1937). -  In: Salvador, A. & A. Marco (eds.): Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. pp. 1-9.  

  • Martin, J. & López, P. (2006) -  Relaciones entre calidad del macho, señales químicas y elección de pareja por las hembras en la lagartija carpetana (Iberolacerta cyreni). (Oral Communication). -  Lehen Herpetologica Kongresua Euskal Herrian IX Congresso Luso-Espanhol XIII Congresso Español de Herpetología., Donostia-San Sebastián, ESPANYA: 70-71.   

  • Martin, J. & López, P. (2008) -  Intersexual differences in chemosensory responses to selected lipids reveal different messages conveyed by femoral secretions of male Iberian rock lizards. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 29 (4): 572-578.   

  • Martín, J. & López, P. (2010) -  Condition-Dependent Pheromone Signaling by Male Rock Lizards: More Oily Scents Are More Attractive. -  Chemical Senses, 35 (4): 253-262.    

  • Martin, J. & López, P. (2012) -  Supplementation of male pheromone on rock substrates attracks female rock lizards to the territories of males: A field experiment. -  PLoS ONE 7 (1): e30108.     

  • Martín, J. & López, P. (2013) -  Responses of female rock lizards to multiple scent marks of males: effects of male age, male density and scent over-marking. -  Behavioural Processes, 94: 109-114.  

  • Martin, J. & López, P. (2014) -  Pheromones and Chemical Communication in Lizards. -  In: Rheubert, J.L., et al. (eds.) The Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Lizards and Tuatara. U.S.A: CRC Press: 43-77.   

  • Martín, J. & Luque-Larena, J.J. & López, P. (2009) -  When to run from an ambush predator: balancing crypsis benefits with costs of fleeing in lizards. -  Animal Behaviour,78 (4): 1011-1018.    

  • Martin, J. & Salvador, A. (1992) -  Tail loss consequences on habitat use by the Iberian rock lizard, Lacerta monticola. -  Oikos, 65 (2): 328-333.  

  • Martin, J. & Salvador, A. (1997) -  Microhabitat selection by the Iberian rock lizard Lacerta monticola: Effects on density and spatial distribution of individuals. -  Biological Conservation, 79 (2-3): 303-307.  

  • Masó, A. & Pijoan, M. (2011) -  Lagartija Carpetana Iberolacerta cyreni. -  In: Masó, A. & M. Pijoan (eds.): Nuevas Guias de Campo Anfibios y Reptiles de la Peninsula Ibérica, Baleares y Canarias. 547-549.   

  • Mayer, W. & Arribas, O. (2003) -  Phylogenetic relationships of the European lacertid genera Archaeolacerta and Iberolacerta and their relartionships to some other ´Archaeolacertae´ (sensu lato) from Near East, derived from mitochondrial DNA sequences. -  Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, Berlin, 41 (3): 157-161.    

  • Mayer, W. & Arribas, O.J. (1996) -  Allozyme differentiation and relationship among the Iberian-Pyrenean Mountain lizards (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae). -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 9 (1/2): 57-61.    

  • Mayer, W. & Bischoff, W. (2001) -  Lacertidae-Literatur 1998 -  Die Eidechse, , 12 (1): 26-28.  

  • Megia-Palma, R. & Cuervo, J.J. & Fitze, P.S. & Martinez, J. & Jiménez-Robles, O. & Riva, I. de la & Reguera, S. & Moreno-Rueda, G. & Blaimont, P. & Kopena, R. & Barrientos, R. & Martin, S. & Merino, S. (2024) -  Do sexual differences in life strategies make male lizards more susceptible to parasite infection? -  J Anim Ecol. 2024; 00: 1-13 (early view)     

  • Megia-Palma, R. & Jiménez-Robles, O. & Hernández-Agüero, J.A. & Riva, I. de la (2020) -  Plasticity of haemoglobin concentration and thermoregulation in a mountain lizard. -  of Thermal Biology, 92, 2020, 102656.  

  • Megia-Palma, R. & Martinez, J. & Fitze, P.S. & Cuervo, J.J. & Belliure, J. & Jimßenez-Robles, O. & Cabido, C. & Martin, J. & Merino, S. (2023) -  Genetic diversity, phylogenetic position, and co-phylogenetic relationships of Karyolysus, a common blood parasite of lizards in the western Mediterranean. -  International Journal for Parasitology XXX (in press) 12 pp    

  • Meiri, S. & Bauer, A.M. & Chirio, L. & Colli, G.R. & Das, I. & Doan, T.M. & Feldman, A. & Herrera, F.-C. & Novosolov, M. & Pafilis, P. Pincheira-Donoso, D. & Powney, G. & Torres-Carvajal, O. & Uetz, P. & Van Damme, R. (2013) -  Are lizards feeling the heat? A tale of ecology and evolution under two temperatures. -  Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22: 834-845.    

  • Mertens, R. & Wermuth, H. (1960) -  Die Amphibien und Reptilien Europas. Dritte liste, nach dem stand vom 1. Januar 1960. -  Die Amphibien und Reptilien Europas. Kramer, Frankfurt/Main: 272 pp.  

  • Mészáros, B. & Jordán, L. & Bajer, K. & Martin, J. & Török, J. & Molnár, O. (2019) -  Relationship between oxidative stress and sexual coloration of lizards depends on thermal habitat. -  The Science of Nature, 106: 55.     

  • Monasterio, C. & Salvador, A. & Díaz, J.A. (2010) -  Competition with wall lizards does not explain the alpine confinement of Iberian rock lizards: an experimental approach. -  Zoology, 113 (5): 275-282.  

  • Monasterio, C. & Salvador, A. & Díaz, J.A. (2010) -  Altitude and Rock Cover Explain the Distribution and Abundance of a Mediterranean Alpine Lizard. -  Journal of Herpetology, 44 (1): 158-163.  

  • Monasterio, C. & Salvador, A. & Iraeta, P. & Díaz, J.A. (2009) -  The effects of thermal biology and refuge availability on the restricted distribution of an alpine lizard. -  Journal of Biogeography, 36 (9): 1673–1684.    

  • Monasterio, C. & Seixas, V.A. & Beukema, W. & Araújo, M.B. (2014) -  Ecofisiología de lacértidos ibéricos: implicaciones en un contexto de cambio climático. -  Estación Biológica “El Ventorillo”, Museo nacional de ciencias naturales: 11-15.  

  • Monasterio, C. & Shoo, L.P. & Salvador, A. & Siliceo, I. & Diaz, J.A. (2011) -  Thermal constraints on embryonic development as a proximate cause for elevational range limits in two Mediterranean lacertid lizards. -  Ecography, 34 (6): 1030-1039.    

  • Monasterio, C. & Verdu-Ricoy, J. & Salvador, A. & Diaz, J.A. (2016) -  Living at the edge: lower success of eggs and hatchlings at lower elevation may shape range limits in an alpine lizard. -  Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society, 118 (4): 829-841.    

  • Müller, L. & Hellmich, W. (1937) -  Mitteilungen über die Herpetofauna der Iberischen Halbinsel. II. Zur Kenntnis des Lacerta monticola. -  Zoologischer Anzeiger, Leipzig, 117: 65-73.  

  • Odierna, G. Aprea, G. Arribas, O. Capriglione, T. & Olmo, E. (1996) -  The karyology of Iberian Rock lizards. -  Herpetologica, 52 (4): 542-550.  

  • Oefinger, B. & Oefinger, P. (2010) -  Central spain, 25.09. - 03.10.2010 -  https://www.eurolizards.com/trip-reports/trip-reports-before-2016    

  • Oefinger, B. & Oefinger, P. (2014) -  Central Spain, 29.8. - 14.9.2014 -  https://www.eurolizards.com/trip-reports/trip-reports-before-2016/    

  • Oefinger, B. & Oefinger, P. (2019) -  Iberolacerta cyreni – Cyren’s Rock Lizard. -  https://www.eurolizards.com/lizards/iberolacerta-cyreni/    

  • Ortega, Z. & Mencia, A. & Pérez-Mellado, V. (2016) -  Behavioral buffering of global warming in a cold-adapted lizard. -  Ecology and Evolution, 6 (13): 4582-4590.    

  • Ortega, Z. & Mencia, A. & Pérez-Mellado, V. (2018) -  Antipredatory behaviour of a mountain lizard towards the chemical cues of its predatory snakes. -  Behaviour, 155 (10-12): 817-840.  

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