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  • Almeida, A.P. & Rosa, H.D. & Paulo, O.S. & Crespo, E.G. (2002) -  Genetic differenciation of populations of Iberian rock-lizards Iberolacerta (Iberolacerta) sensu Arribas (1999). -  Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, Berlin, 40 (2): 57-64.    

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  • Brown, R.P. (2005) -  Large Subunit Mitochondrial rRNA Secondary Structures and Site-Specific Rate Variation in Two Lizard Lineages -  Journal of Molecular Evolution, 60 (1): 45-56    

  • Mayer, W. & Arribas, O. (2003) -  Phylogenetic relationships of the European lacertid genera Archaeolacerta and Iberolacerta and their relartionships to some other ´Archaeolacertae´ (sensu lato) from Near East, derived from mitochondrial DNA sequences. -  Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, Berlin, 41 (3): 157-161.    

  • Oefinger, B. & Oefinger, P. (2010) -  Central spain, 25.09. - 03.10.2010 -  https://www.eurolizards.com/trip-reports/trip-reports-before-2016    

  • Peek, R. (2015) -  Beobachtungen an der Zentraliberischen Gebirgseidechse, Iberolacerta cyreni casteliana (ARRIBAS, 1996). -  Die Eidechse, Magdeburg/Hamburg; 26 (3): 71-82.   

  • Speybroeck, J. (2005) -  Herpetological trip to Sistema Central (Spain & Portugal) 24th of September - 2nd of October 2005. -  http://www.hylawerkgroep.be/jeroen/index.php?id=12  

  • Zauner, J. (2013) -  Auf Perleidechsensuche in Spanien. -  Die Eidechse, Magdeburg/Hamburg, 24 (3): 71-78.