Podarcis guadarramae   (BOSCÁ, 1916)

Podarcis guadarramae   (BOSCÁ, 1916)

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  • Alves de Matos, A.P., Paperna, I, Rosa, H.D., Sa Sousa, P. (1994) -  Diversidade de vírus dos eritrócitos de lacertídeos. Novas infecções em Podarcis hispanica e em Archaeolacerta monticola da Serra da Estrela, Portugal. -  In: Resúmenes del III Congr. Luso-Español Herpetol. y VI Congr. Esp. Herpetol., Badajoz.   

  • Arnold, E.N. (1973) -  Relationships of the Palaearctic lizards assigned to the genera Lacerta, Algyroides and Psammodromus (Reptilia: Lacertidae). -  Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, London, 25 (8): 289-366.    

  • Ayllón Lopez, E. et al. (2023) -  Caracterización del área de distribución de Podarcis guadarramae y Podarcis virescens en la Comunidad de Madrid. -  In: Miranda Chueca, M.A. & E. Montes Vadillo (eds.) Invasiones Biológicas en Islas XVII Congreso Luso-Español de Herpetología y XXI Congreso Español de Herpetología - Libro de resúmenes: 144-145.    

  • Ayres, C. & Dominguez-Costas, M. (2021) -  Arboreal Behavior in the Lusitanian Wall Lizard, Podarcis guadarramae (Boscá 1916). -  Reptiles & Amphibians 28 (1): 13-14.   

  • Bamann, T. (2023) -  Spanisches Duett – Teil 2: Nordspanien. -  Reptilia, Münster, 28 (6): 70-79.   

  • Băncilă, R. & Arntzen, J.W. (2016) -  Isolation of lizard populations measured with molecular genetic data – Podarcis guadarramae in the Ria de Arosa archipelago. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 37 (4): 446-449.    

  • Bank, J., Kruyntjens, B. & P. Paulissen (1982) -  Herpetologische waarnemingen in Portugal. -  Lacerta, 40 (6): 108-111.    

  • Barbosa, D. & Font, E. & Desfilis, E. & Ribeiro, R. & Carretero, M.A. (2008) -  Reproductive isolation in Iberian Podarcis: What do field and lab studies tell us? -  In: Pafilis, P., Kotsakiozi, P. & E.D. Valakos (eds.): 6th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 23-27 June 2008, Mythimna, Lesvos, Greece: 16-17.    

  • Bassitta, M. & Buades, J.M. & Pérez-Cembranos, A. & Pérez-Mellado, V. & Terrasa, R.P. & Brown, P. & Navarro, P. & Lluch, J. & Ortega, J. & Castro, J.A. & Picornell, A. & Ramon, C. (2020) -  Multilocus and morphological analysis of south-eastern Iberian Wall lizards (Squamata, Podarcis). -  Zool. Scripta, 2020. DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12450 (early view) 16 pp.    

  • Borg, J.P. ter (2004) -  Reptielen en amfibieën in Portugal -  Lacerta, 62 (1): 8-19.     

  • Borg, J.P. ter (2016) -  Problemen bij het op naam brengen van het Spaanse muurhagedissencomplex (Podarcis hispanicus sensu lato) -  Lacerta, 74 (4): 144-174.  

  • Börner, A.-R. (1975) -  An annotated checklist and key to the saurofauna of Southeastern and Central Spain. -  Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society, 11 (2): 31-39.   

  • Boscá, E. (1916) -  Dos observaciónes a propósito de la Lacerta muralis en España. -  Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 16: 327-330.  

  • Bretzel, J. & Bretzel, J. (2020) -  Portugals Eukalyptuswälder und ihre Herpetofauna. -  elaphe, 6/2020: 56-63.  

  • Buades Payeras, J.M. (2017) -  Canvi evolutiu dels lacèrtids de la mediterrània occidental: estimes en el genoma nuclear.  -  Tesi Doctoral, Universitat de les Illes Balears. 211 pp.     

  • Caeiro-Dias, G. & Brelsford, A. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. & Carretero, M.A. & Crochet, A. & Pinho, C. (2018) -  Drivers of reproductive isolation in Wall Lizards inferred from comparative analysis of contact zones. -  II Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology.Poster.    

  • Caeiro-Dias, G. & Luis, C. & Pinho, C. & Crochet, P.-A. & Sillero, N. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. (2018) -  Lack of congruence of genetic and niche divergence in Podarcis hispanicus complex. -  J Zool Syst Evol Res. 2018; 1–14. (early view)     

  • Caeiro-Dias, G. & Rocha, S. & Couto, A. & Pereira, C. & Brelsford, A. & Crochet, P.-A. & Pinho, C. (2021) -  Nuclear phylogenies and genomics of a contact zone establish the species rank of Podarcis lusitanicus (Squamata, Lacertidae) -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 164 (2021) 107270    

  • Campos, J.C. & Rodrigues, S. & Freitas, T. & Santos, J.A. & Honrado, J.P. & Regos, A. (2021) -  Climatic variables and ecological modelling data for birds, amphibians and reptiles in the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve of Meseta Ibérica (Portugal-Spain).  -  Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e66509; 19 pp.     

  • Cantera, X. (2015) -  Las condiciones ambientales moldean la morfologia de la lagartija i´berica. -  Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, 2015.     

  • Carretero, M.A. (2008) -  An integrated assessment of a group with complex systematics: the Iberomaghrebian lizard genus Podarcis (Squamata, Lacertidae). -  Integrative Zoology, 4: 247–266.    

  • Carretero, M.A. & Galán, P. & Salvador Milla, A. (2015) -  Lagartija lusitana – Podarcis guadarramae (Boscá, 1916). -  In: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Marco, A. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/  

  • Carretero, M.A. & Martínez-Solano, Í. & Ayllón, E. & Llorente, G. (2018) -  Lista patrón de los anfibios y reptiles de España (Actualizada a diciembre de 2018). -  Asociación Herpetológica Española. 83 pp.  

  • Cooper Jr., W.E. & Pyron, A. & Garland, T. jr. (2014) -  Island tameness: living on islands reduces flight initiation distance. -  Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 281 (1777) 20133019    

  • Diego-Rasilla, F.J. & Pérez-Mellado, V. (2003) -  Home range and habitat selection by Podarcis hispanica (Squamata,Lacertidae) in Western Spain. -  Folia Zoologica, Prague, 52 (1): 87-98.    

  • Diego-Rasilla, F.J. & Pérez-Mellado, V. (2004) -  Density dependence of survival in the Iberian Wall Lizard (Podarcis hispanica). -  In: Pérez-Mellado, V., Riera, N. & A. Perera (eds.): The Biology of Lacertid Lizards. Evolutionary and Ecological Perspectives. Institut Menorqui d´Estudis. Recerca, 8: 177-200.  

  • Escoriza, D. (2024) -  Environmental colour pattern variation in Mediterranean Podarcis. -  BMC Ecology and Evolution, 24:53. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-024-02242-1    

  • Fernández-Ortin, D. & Sánchez-Montes, G. & Martinez-Solano, I. (2019) -  A catalogue of reptiles of Monfragüe National Park (Spain), with molecular characterization of populations of Blanus Wagler, 1830 in this protected area. -  Basic and Applied Herpetology 33: 81-91.    

  • Ferreira, D. & Mateus, C. & Santos, X. (2016) -  Responses of reptiles to fire in transition zones are mediated by bioregion affinity of species. -  Biodiversity and Conservation, 25 (8): 1543-1557.    

  • Ferreira, D. & Pinho, C. & Brito, J.C. & Santos, X. (2019) -  Increase of genetic diversity indicates ecological opportunities in recurrent-fire landscapes for wall lizards. -  Scientific Reports, 9: 5383. 11 pp.     

  • Ferreira, D. & Zagar, A. & Santos, X. (2017) -  Uncovering the rules of (reptile) species coexistence in transition zones between bioregions. -  Salamandra, 53 (2): 193-200.    

  • Ferreira, T.A.P. (2015) -  The response of reptile communities to wildfires in the Serra da Estrela Natural Park.  -  Dissertação de Mestrado em Ecologia, apresentada ao Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra. 107 pp.     

  • Gabirot, G. & López, P. & Martín, J. (2012) -  Differences in Chemical Sexual Signals May Promote Reproductive Isolation and Cryptic Speciation between IberianWall Lizard Populations -  International Journal of Evolutionary Biology, doi:10.1155/2012/698520    

  • Gabirot, M. & López, P. & Martin, J. (2012) -  Chemosensory responses to alcohols found in femoral gland secretions of male iberian wall lizards Podarcis hispanica. -  Herpetological Journal, 22 (3): 139-143.  

  • Gaczorek, T.S. & Chechetkin, M. & Dudek, K. & Caeiro-Dias, G. & Crochet, P.-A. & Geniez, P. & Pinho, C. & Babik, W. (2023) -  Widespread introgression of MHC genes in Iberian Podarcis lizards. -  Molecular Ecology. 2023; 00: 1–15 (early view).    

  • Galán, P. (2001) -  Reproductive characteristics of an insular population of Podarcis hispanica from NW Spain (Cies Island, Galicia). -  In: Pérez-Mellado, V. (ed.): Abstracts of the 4th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 7-11 May 2001, Mahon, Menorca, Spain: 50.  

  • Galán, P. (2003) -  Reproductive characteristics of an insular population of the lizard Podarcis hispanica from Northwest Spain (Cies Islands, Galicia). -  Copeia, 2003 (3): 657-665.    

  • Galan, P. (2020) -  Zona de contacto y uso del espacio de dos especies de Podarcis en el Monte Pindo (A Coruña, Galicia). ¿Simpatría o parapatría? -  Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 31 (1): 13-21.   

  • Garcia-Fernández, J. (1990) -  Dieta y reproducción de Podarcis hispanica y Podarcis muralis en la Sierra del Guadarrama. -  Tesis lic. Univ. Salamanca. 63 S.  

  • García-Muñoz, E. & Gomes, V. & Carretero, M.A. (2011) -  Un caso de melanismo en Podarcis hispanica (sensu lato) -  Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 22: 1-2.  

  • García-Muñoz, E. & Gomes, V. & Carretero, M.A. (2012) -  Lateralization in refuge selection in Podarcis hispanica at different hierarchical levels -  Behavioral Ecology, 23 (5): 955-959.    

  • Garcia-Porta, J. & Irisarri, I. & Kirchner, M. & Rodríguez, A. & Kirchhof, S. & Brown, J.L. & MacLeod, A. & Turner, A.P. & Ahmadzadeh, F. & Albaladejo, G. & Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. & Riva, I. de la & Fawzi, A. & Galán, P. & Göçmen, B. & Harris, D.J. & Jiménez-Robles, O. & Joger, U. & Jovanović Glavaš, O. & Karış, M. & Koziel, G. & Künzel, S. & Lyra, M. & Miles, D. & Nogales, M. & Oğuz, M.A. & Paf (2019) -  Environmental temperatures shape thermal physiology as well as diversification and genome-wide substitution rates in lizards. -  Nature Communications, 10: 4077.     

  • Geniez, P. (1989) -  Podarcis hispanica. -  In: Castanet, J. & R. Guyetant (eds.): Atlas de repartition des amphibiens et reptiles de France. Societe Herpetologique de France, Paris, 1989: 134-135.  

  • Geniez, P. (2001) -  Variation géographique des lézards du genre Podarcis (Reptilia, Sauria, Lacertidae) dans la péninsule Ibérique, l’Afrique du nord et le sud de la France. -  Thesis Université Montpellier II & Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes.  

  • Geniez, P. & Cluchier, A. & Sá-Sousa, P. & Guillaume, C.P. & Crochet, P.-A. (2007) -  Systematics of the Podarcis hispanicus-complex (Sauria, Lacertidae) I: Redefinition, morphology and distribution of the nominotypical taxon. -  The Herpetological Journal, 17: 69-80.    

  • Geniez, P. & Sá-Sousa, P. & Guillaume, C.P. & Cluchier, A. & Crochet, P.-A. (2014) -  Systematics of the Podarcis hispanicus complex (Sauria, Lacertidae) III: valid nomina of the western and central Iberian forms. -  Zootaxa, 3794 (1): 1–51.    

  • Godinho, R. & Teixeira, J. & Rebelo, R. & Segurado, P. & Loureiro, A. & Alvares, F. & Gomes, N. & Gardoso, P. & Camilo-Alves, C. & Brito, J.C. (1999) -  Atlas of the continental Portuguese herpetofauna: an assemblage of published and new data. -  Revista Española de Herpetología, 13: 61-82.    

  • Gomes, V. & Carretero, M.A. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. (2016) -  The relevance of morphology for habitat use and locomation in two species of wall lizards. -  Acta Oecologica, 70: 87-95.     

  • Großhans, R. (2017) -  Bibliografie der Familie Lacertidae. Band 1: Podarcis WAGLER, 1830 - Mauereidechsen. -  Verlag epubli. 319 pp.  

  • Guillaume, C.P. (1997) -  Podarcis hispanica (Steindachner, 1870). -  In: Gasc, J.-P. et al. (eds.): Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe, Paris, Societas Europaea Herpetologica and Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. 278-279.  

  • Harris, D.J. & Batista, V. & Carretero, M.A. & Pinho, C. & Sá-Sousa, P. (2002) -  Mitochondrial DNA sequence data confirms the presence of Podarcis carbonelli, PÉREZ-MELLADO, 1981 in southern Spain. -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 15 (3/4): 188-190.  

  • Harris, D.J. & Carranza, S. & Arnold, E.N. & Pinho, C. & Ferrand, N. (2002) -  Complex biogeographical distribution of genetic variation within Podarcis wall lizards across the Strait of Gibraltar. -  Journal of Biogeogarphy, 29: 1257-1262.    

  • Harris, D.J. & Sá-Sousa, P. (2001) -  Species distinction and relationships of the western Iberian Podarcis lizards (Reptilia, Lacertidae) based on morphology and mitochondrial DNA sequences. -  The Herpetological Journal, 11: 129-136.    

  • Harris, D.J. & Sá-Sousa, P. (2002) -  Molecular Phylogenetics of Iberian Wall Lizards (Podarcis): Is Podarcis hispanica a Species Complex? -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 23 (1): 75-81.    

  • Herrando-Pérez, S. & Ferri-Yáñez, F. & Monasterio, C. & Beukema, W. & Gomes, V. & Belliure, J. & Chown, S.L. & Vieites, D.R. & Araújo, M.B. (2019) -  Intraspecific variation in lizard heat tolerance alters estimates of climate impact. -  Journal of Animal Ecology, 88: 247-257.    

  • Jiménez-Robles, O. & de la Riva, I. (2019) -  Thermal ecology or interspecific competition: what drives the warm and cold distribution limits of mountain ectotherms? -  https://doi.org/10.32942/osf.io/g8mwu      

  • Kaliontzopoulou, A. & Carretero, M.A. & Llorente, G.A. (2012) -  Morphology of the Podarcis wall lizards (Squamata: Lacertidae) from the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa: patterns of variation in a putative cryptic species complex -  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 164 (1): 173-193.    

  • Kaliontzopoulou, A. & Pinho, C. & Harris, D.J. & Carretero, M.A. (2011) -  When cryptic diversity blurs the picture: a cautionary tale from Iberian and North African Podarcis wall lizards. -  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 103 (4): 779–800.    

  • Klemmer, K. (1959) -  Systematische Stellung und Rassengliederung der Spanischen Mauereidechse, Lacerta hispanica. -  Senckenbergiana biologica, Frankfurt/Main, 40 (5/6): 245-250.  

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  • Lopes Pinho, C. (2021) -  Using deep learning to classify images of wall lizards. -  Thesis Master in Modelling, Data Analytics and Decision Support Systems. 65 pp.     

  • Loureiro, A. & Almeida, N.F. de & Carretero, M.A. & Paulo, O.S. (2008) -  Atlas dos Anfíbios e Répteis de Portugal. -  Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade. 257 pp.  

  • Lymberakis, P. & Poulakakis, N. & Valakos, E. & Mylonas, M. (2003) -  Palaeogeography and DNA: Podarcis phylogenetic relationships recapitulate Greece’s palaeogeographic history. -  Program and Abstracts, 12th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 12–16 August 2003: 100.     

  • Maia, J.P. & Harris, D.J. & Carranza, S. & Gómez-Díaz, E. (2014) -  A Comparison of Multiple Methods for Estimating Parasitemia of Hemogregarine Hemoparasites (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina) and Its Application for Studying Infection in Natural Populations.  -  PLoS ONE 9 (4): e95010.    

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  • Malkmus, R. (2017) -  Beobachtungen zur Kopulation von Podarcis guadarramae lusitanicus GENIEZ, SÁ-SOUSA, GUILLAUME, CLUCHIER & CROCHET, 2014. -  Die Eidechse, Magdeburg/Hamburg, 28 (2): 59-62.   

  • Malkmus, R. (2018) -  Quer durch die Serra de Montemuro. -  TERRARIA/elaphe, 5/2018: 40-48.   

  • Malkmus, R. & Loureiro, A. & Sillero, N. (2020) -  Die Herpetofauna der Serra de Montemuro (Nord-Portugal) mit einem Rückblick auf über 40 Jahre Kartierungstätigkeit in Portugal. -  Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie, 27 (1): 14-50.  

  • Martin-Vallejo, J. & Garcia-Fernández, J. & Pérez-Mellado, V. & Vicente-Villardón, J.L. (1995) -  Habitat selection and thermal ecology of the sympatric lizards Podarcis muralis and Podarcis hispanica in a mountain region of Central Spain. -  The Herpetological Journal, 5: 181-188.  

  • Martin, J. & López, P. (2006) -  Interpopulation differences in chemical composition and chemosensory recognition of femoral gland secretions of male lizards Podarcis hispanica: implications for sexual isolation in a species complex. -  Chemoecology, 16: 31-38.   

  • Masó, A. & Pijoan, M. (2011) -  Lagartija ibérica Podarcis hispanica s.l. (sensu lato). -  In: Masó, A. & M. Pijoan (eds.): Nuevas Guias de Campo Anfibios y Reptiles de la Peninsula Ibérica, Baleares y Canarias. 569-573.  

  • Megia-Palma, R. & Cuervo, J.J. & Fitze, P.S. & Martinez, J. & Jiménez-Robles, O. & Riva, I. de la & Reguera, S. & Moreno-Rueda, G. & Blaimont, P. & Kopena, R. & Barrientos, R. & Martin, S. & Merino, S. (2024) -  Do sexual differences in life strategies make male lizards more susceptible to parasite infection? -  J Anim Ecol. 2024; 00: 1-13 (early view)     

  • Megia-Palma, R. & Martinez, J. & Fitze, P.S. & Cuervo, J.J. & Belliure, J. & Jimßenez-Robles, O. & Cabido, C. & Martin, J. & Merino, S. (2023) -  Genetic diversity, phylogenetic position, and co-phylogenetic relationships of Karyolysus, a common blood parasite of lizards in the western Mediterranean. -  International Journal for Parasitology XXX (in press) 12 pp    

  • Mertens, R. & Müller, L. (1940) -  Die Amphibien und Reptilien Europas. (Zweite Liste, nach dem Stand vom 1. Januar 1940) -  Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 451: 1-56.  

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  • Montori, A. & Llorente, G.A. (2005) -  Lista patrón actualizada de la herpetofauna española - Conclusiones de nomenclatura y taxonomía para las especies de anfibios y reptiles de España. -  Lista patrón actualizada Acuerdos aprobados en febrero de 2005 por la Comisión de Taxonomía de la Asociación Herpetológica Española. 46 pp.  

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  • Ortega, J. & López, P. & Martin, J. (2017) -  Environmental drivers of growth rates in Guadarrama wall lizards: a reciprocal transplant experiment. -  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 122 (2): 340-350.    

  • Ortega, Z. & Pérez-Mellado, V. (2016) -  Seasonal patterns of body temperature and microhabitat selection in a lacertid lizard. -  Acta Oecologica, 2016: 1-6.     

  • Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Font, E. (2014) -  Ultraviolet vision in lacertid lizards: evidence from retinal structure, eye transmittance, SWS1 visual pigment genes, and behaviour. -  The Journal of Experimental Biology, 217 (16): 2899-2909.    

  • Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Font, E. (2016) -  The evolution of colour pattern complexity: selection for conspicuousness favours contrasting within-body colour combinations in lizards -  Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29 (5): 942-951.    

  • Pérez-Mellado, V. (1983) -  Alimentación de dos especies simpatridas de saurios en el Sistema Central, Podarcis hispanica (Steindachner, 1870) y Podarcis bocagei (Seoane, 1884) (Sauria, Lacertidae). -  Studia Oecologica, 4: 89-114.  

  • Pérez-Mellado, V. (1997) -  Podarcis hispanica (Steindachner, 1870). Lagartija ibérica, Lagartixa-ibérica. -  In: Pleguezuelos, J.M. (ed.): Distribución y biogeografia de los Anfiobios y Reptiles en España y Portugal. Monografias de Herpetologia, no. 3. Editorial Universidad de Granada & Asociación Herpetológica Española, Granada. 240-242.  

  • Pérez-Mellado, V. & Verbruggen, J.L. & Romero-Beviá, M. & Martinez-Fitor, A. (1994) -  Demografía y uso del espacio en una población insular de Podarcis hispanica (Sauria, Lacertidae). -  Resúmenes del III Congreso Luso-Español y VII Congreso Español de Herpetologia. Badajoz: 82.  

  • Pinho, C. & Ferrand, N. (2001) -  Differentiation within and between forms of Podarcis in the Iberian Peninsula: evidence from protein electrophoretic data. -  In: Pérez-Mellado, V. (ed.): Abstracts of the 4th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 7-11 May 2001, Mahon, Menorca, Spain: 35.  

  • Pinho, C. & Harris, D.J. & Ferrand, N. (2003) -  Genetic polymorphism of 11 allozyme loci in populations of wall lizards (Podarcis sp.) from the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. -  Biochemical Genetics, 41: 343-359.  

  • Pinho, C. & Harris, D.J. & Ferrand, N. (2007) -  Comparing patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial divergence in a cryptic species complex: the case of Iberian and North African wall lizards (Podarcis, Lacertidae). -  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 91 (1): 121-133.    

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