Armenia, southern Azerbaijan, eastern Turkey and northwestern Iran. 


Darevskia raddei  (BOETTGER, 1892)

Subspecies (3):

Darevskia raddei raddei  (BOETTGER, 1892)

Darevskia raddei chaldoranensis  RASTEGAR-POUYANI et al., 2011

Darevskia raddei vanensis  (EISELT, SCHMIDTLER & DAREVSKY, 1993)

Population (1):

Darevskia raddei Ararat Population 


Lacerta muralis var. raddei  BOETTGER, 1892

Lacerta saxicola raddei  BOETTGER, 1892

Lacerta muralis var. defilippii  BOULENGER, 1904

Lacerta caucasica var. tenuis  NIKOLSKY, 1910

Lacerta saxicola defilippii  SOBOLEVSKY, 1929

Lacerta raddei  ENGELMANN et al, 1993

Darevskia raddei  ARRIBAS, 1997

Common names:

Azerbaijan Lizard (English)
Aserbaidschanische Eidechse (German)


raddei: Lectotype: SMF 12054

chaldoranensis: Holotype: RUZM LL70.1; paratypes: RUZM

vanensis: Holotype: NMW 32999; paratypes in FMNH, MHNL, MZF, and NMW

Terra Typica:

raddei: Type locality: Aras River Valley, SE Armenia, “Nieuvadi, Arax Valley, Armenia” fide ANDERSON 1999.

chaldoranensis: Type locality: Chaldoran area (39° 03` N, 44° 22` E) in the northern regions of west Azerbaijan Province, Iran.

vanensis: Type locality: Castle Hill of the city of Van, 1720 m [elevation], Turkey

Taxonomic notes:

With the introduction of the new subspecies Darevskia raddei chaldoranensis, the intermediate form, from the north-east of Turkey and the north-west of Iran, between Darevskia raddei raddei and Darevskia raddei vanensis (EISELT et al., 1993), might have been described. Also the Ararat population (PANNER, 2005; 2010) might be part of this newly described subspecies. Additional research is necessary to determine the actual distribution of all subspecies.

Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Boettger, O. (1892) -  Description of Darevskia r. raddei.  -  In: “Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Reise Dr. Jean Valentins im Sommer 1890 – I. Kriechtiere der Kaukasusländer, gesammelt durch die Radde-Valentin’sche Expedition nach dem Karabagh und durch die Herren Dr. J. Valentin und P. Reibisch”. Berichte über die Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main 1892: 131-150.   

  • Ciobanu, D.G. & Grechko, V.V. & Darevsky, I.S. (2003) -  Molecular Evolution of Satellite DNA CLsat in Lizards from the Genus Darevskia (Sauria: Lacertidae): Correlation with Species Diversity. -  Russian Journal of Genetics, Moscow, 39 (11): 1292-1305.    

    Чобану Д.Г., Гречко В.В., Даревский И.С. (2003) -  Молекулярная эволюция сателлитной ДНК CLSAT ящериц рода Darevskia (Sauria: Laeertidae): корреляция с видовым разнообразием. -  Генетика, 39 (11): 1527-1541.  

  • Freitas, S. & Rocha, S. & Campos, J. & Ahmadzadeh, F. & Corti, C. & Sillero, N. & Ilgaz, C. & Kumlutaş, Y. & Arakelyan, M. & Harris, D.J. & Carretero, M.A. (2016) -  Parthenogenesis through the ice ages: A biogeographic analysis of Caucasian rock lizards (genus Darevskia). -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 102: 117–127.     


Darevskia raddei: 61  pictures (see subspecies level)


Darevskia raddei raddei  © Wolfgang Böhme