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Literature- and poster projects
of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Archaeolacerta bedriagae (CAMERANO, 1885)
Subspecies (4):
Archaeolacerta bedriagae bedriagae CAMERANO, 1885
Archaeolacerta bedriagae ferrerae (STEMMLER, 1961)
Archaeolacerta bedriagae paessleri (MERTENS, 1927)
Archaeolacerta bedriagae sardoa (PERACCA, 1903)
Lacerta reticulata BEDRIAGA, 1881
Lacerta oxycephala bedriagae CAMERANO, 1885
Lacerta (Archaeolacerta) bedriagae MERTENS, 1921
Archaeolacerta bedriagae LANZA et al, 1984
Common names:
Bedriaga’s Rock Lizard (English) Tyrrhenische Gebirgseidechse (German)
Type: MRSN (= MSNTO) R12
Terra Typica:
Taxonomic notes:
The subspecies are not supported by genetic (Salvi et al., 2009) or morphological data (Salvi et al., 2008).
Relevant taxonomic literature:
Camerano, L. (1885) -
France, Italy
Archaeolacerta bedriagae: 162 references
Archaeolacerta bedriagae: 81 pictures (see subspecies level)
Archaeolacerta bedriagae paessleri © 2016 Michał Szkudlarek