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Literatur- und Poster Projekte
der Echten Eidechsen, Familie Lacertidae
Ausgestorbene Unterart:
Podarcis lilfordi rodriquezi (MÜLLER, 1927)
Holotype: ZSM 1540. Paratypen: ZSM (verloren).
Terra Typica:
Isla das Ratas (MÜLLER 1927).
Relevante taxonomische Literatur:
Müller, L. (1927) -
Zawadzki, M. (2010) -
The endemic Podarcis lilfordi rodriquezi from the little island Isla Ratas in the Bay of Mahón (Menorca, Balearic Islands, Spain) has become extinct in the 1930s. According to PEREZ-MELLADO & SALAVADOR (1988) there are only four specimens of this subspecies left in collections today. A new examination of those specimens showed that they actually belong to Podarcis pityusensis ratae from the Isla Ratas southeast off the coast of Ibiza.
Podarcis lilfordi rodriquezi: 48 Referenzen
Illa Ratas “Captive” Bilder (2)
Podarcis lilfordi rodriquezi © Michael Franzen