Georgi, J.G. (1801) - Der systematischen Anzeige bisher bekannt gewordener Thierarten des Russischen Reichs. Dritte Klasse. Amphibien. - Geographisch- pysikalische und Naturhistorische Beschreibung des Rußischen Reichs zur Uebersicht bisheriger Kenntnisse von demselben. Des dritten Theils siebenter Band. Bisher bekannt gewordene Thierarten.- Königsberg (F. Nicolovius). pp. 1864-1886.  Psonis, N. & Antoniou, A. & Kukushkin, O. & Jablonski, D. & Petrov, B. & Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. & Sotiropoulos, K. & Gherghel, I. & Lymberakis, P. & Poulakakis, N. (2017) - Hidden diversity in the Podarcis tauricus (Sauria, Lacertidae) species subgroup in the light of multilocus phylogeny and species delimitation. - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 106: 6-17.  ×The monophyletic species subgroup of Podarcis tauricus is distributed in the western and southern parts of the Balkans, and includes four species with unresolved and unstudied inter- and intra-specific phylogenetic relationships. Using sequence data from two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes and applying several phylogenetic methods and species delimitation approaches to an extensive dataset, we have reconstructed the phylogeny of the Podarcis wall lizards in the Balkans, and re-investigated the taxonomic status of the P. tauricus species subgroup. Multilocus analyses revealed that the aforementioned subgroup consists of five major clades, with P. melisellensis as its most basal taxon. Monophyly of P. tauricus sensu stricto is not supported, with one of the subspecies (P. t. ionicus) displaying great genetic diversity (hidden diversity or cryptic species). It comprises five, geographically distinct, subclades with genetic distances on the species level. Species delimitation approaches revealed nine species within the P. tauricus species subgroup (P. melisellensis, P. gaigeae, P. milensis, and six in the P. tauricus complex), underlining the necessity of taxonomic re-evaluation. We thus synonymize some previously recognized subspecies in this subgroup, elevate P. t. tauricus and P. g. gaigeae to the species level and suggest a distinct Albanian-Greek clade, provisionally named as the P. ionicus species complex. The latter clade comprises five unconfirmed candidate species that call for comprehensive studies in the future. Psonis, N. & Antoniou, A. & Karameta, E. & Leaché, A.D. & Kotsakiozi, P. & Darriba, D. & Kozlov, A. & Stamatakis, A. & Poursanidis, D. & Kukushkin, O. & Jablonski, D. & Crnobrnja–Isailović, J. & Gherghel, I. & Lymberakis, P. & Poulakakis, N. (2018) - Resolving complex phylogeographic patterns in the Balkan Peninsula using closely related wall-lizard species as a model system. - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 125: 100-115.  ×The Balkan Peninsula constitutes a biodiversity hotspot with high levels of species richness and endemism. The complex geological history of the Balkans in conjunction with the climate evolution are hypothesized as the main drivers generating this biodiversity. We investigated the phylogeography, historical demography, and popula- tion structure of closely related wall-lizard species from the Balkan Peninsula and southeastern Europe to better understand diversification processes of species with limited dispersal ability, from Late Miocene to the Holocene. We used several analytical methods integrating genome-wide SNPs (ddRADseq), microsatellites, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data, as well as species distribution modelling. Phylogenomic analysis resulted in a completely resolved species level phylogeny, population level analyses confirmed the existence of at least two cryptic evolutionary lineages and extensive within species genetic structuring. Divergence time estimations indicated that the Messinian Salinity Crisis played a key role in shaping patterns of species divergence, whereas in- traspecific genetic structuring was mainly driven by Pliocene tectonic events and Quaternary climatic oscillations. The present work highlights the effectiveness of utilizing multiple methods and data types coupled with extensive geographic sampling to uncover the evolutionary processes that shaped the species over space and time. Schmidtler, J.F. (2022) - Bibliographische Hintergründe zur kuriosen nomenklatorischen Geschichte der Taurischen Eidechse, nunmehr Podarcis tauricus (Georgi, 1801). - Sekretär, 22: 80-92.  ×Die umfangreichen naturwissenschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Forschungen nördlich des Schwarzen Meeres und in Sibirien gegen Ende des 18. Jh. waren Effekt der russischen Expansion des Imperiums durch Zarin Katharina II. Die entsprechenden Publikationen sollten insbesondere die Neuerwerbungen festigen. Einer der Forscher in diesem Kontext war Johann Gottlieb Georgi (1729–1802). Seine Beschreibung der Taurischen Eidechse, damals Lacerta taurica, von der Halbinsel Krim im Werk Geographisch-physikalische und Naturhistorische Beschreibung des Rusischen Reiches gehörte zu den Ergebnissen der damaligen zoologischen Forschung. „Georgi, 1801“ muss als der „korrekte“ Autor von Lacerta taurica, heute Podarcis tauricus, mit der Terra typica „Balaklawa“ (südliche Krim-Halbinsel) angesehen werden. Die spätere Beschreibung und identische Benennung durch Peter Simon Pallas (1814) erfolgte vermutlich in Kenntnis von Georgis Beschreibung und bezieht sich auf dieselbe Art. Da nach den Nomenklaturregeln der Name des Autors nicht Bestandteil des Namens der Art ist, können auch die Regeln wie für ein „nomen oblitum“ nicht gelten. Lacerta taurica Georgi, 1801, wurde von Nikolsky (1915) als „nomen nudum“ bezeichnet, was vermutlich auf einem Versehen dieses Autors beruht. Der mehrfache kryptische Hinweis am Rande von Georgis Beschreibung auf einen „Habl.“ oder „Hablz.“ bezieht sich auf die Beschreibung einer „Lacerta agilis varietas“ vom selben Fundort (Balaklawa) durch Carl Ludwig Hablizl (1785: 195 bzw. 1789: 350). Dieser Hinweis bezieht sich allein auf die Herkunft der Information, begründet jedoch keine Autorschaft oder Mitautorschaft. Kukushkin, O. & Tillack, F. & Doronin, I. & Kluge, N. & Jablonski, D. (2024) - Johann Gottlieb Georgi or Peter Simon Pallas: review regarding the authorship and description of Lacerta taurica (Squamata, Lacertidae). - Zootaxa 5493 (5): 542–560.  ×From the beginning of the 19th century to the present, the authorship of the description of the Balkan wall lizard, Podarcis tauricus (Pallas, 1814) was considered undoubted. Recently, Schmidtler (2022) has been concluded that the description of this species should be attributed to J.G. Georgi. Therefore we have chosen to discuss this issue. The description of Lacerta taurica by Georgi in 1801 was based on earlier works by C.L. Hablitz (1785, 1789). However, his description does not align with our current understanding of the morphological and ecological characteristics of the taxon currently recognized as P. tauricus. Some details contained in this description suggest that it was based not on the species recently known as Podarcis tauricus, but on another lizard inhabiting the same place and recently known as Darevskia lindholmi (Szczerbak, 1962). If recognize authorship of the name Lacerta taurica as belonging to Georgi (1801), this would require transferring that name to the species currently known as D. lindholmi and the need to introduce a new name for the species currently known as P. taurica, that will cause numerous confusions. To provide the stability of the names, we suggest to continue to regard Pallas (1814) as the author of the name Lacerta taurica and will apply to the Commissuion of Zoological Nomenlature for conservation of this status. Regrettably, a specimen collected by Pallas himself in Crimea has not been located until now. However, the search for preserved historic specimens continues.