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Literature- and poster projects
of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Eremias arguta transcaucasica DAREVSKY, 1953
Arakelyan, M. (2009) -
Arakelyan, M. (2012) -
Arakelyan, M.S. (2012) -
The unique isolated population of racerunner Eremias arguta transcaucasica in Armenia is under strong human pressure and seeks urgent conservation measures. The population has a limited area (approximately 9 hectares) on the shore of Lake Sevan, in vicinity of a settlement. Հայաստանում բազմագույն մողեսիկի միակ և մեկուսացված պոպուլյացիան գտնվում է մարդածին գործոնի ուժեղ ազդեցության ներքո, և անհրաժեշտ են անհապաղ միջոցառումներ նրա պահպանության համար: Պոպուլյացիան գտնվում է Սևանա լճի ափին, բնակելի տարածքից ոչ շատ հեռու և գրավում է 9 հա տարածք: Единственно известная изолированная популяция разноцветной ящурки в Армении находится под сильным антропогенным прессом и требует срочных мер по ее охране. Популяция занимает ограниченную площадь (около 9 гектаров) на берегу озера Севан недалеко от населенного пункта.
Barabanov, A.V. & Doronin, I.V. (2020) -
Ilya S. Darevsky co-described 70 taxa (three genera, 46 species, 21 subspecies) in 44 publications belonging to five orders, eight families of amphibians and reptiles during his career in herpetology. Of this number, three taxa are fossil and 57 taxa are currently considered as valid. By the regions where new taxa were discovered Southeast Asia and Western Asia (includes Caucasus and Asia Minor) dominates. The largest number of descriptions was published in the Russian Journal of Herpetology.
Bischoff, W. (1978) -
The final part of a series of papers on the lizards of the Caucasus, that have been published in previous years. The paper reports on the life habits, capture and keeping in terraria of several lizards of Soviet Transcaucasia. In these respects the agamid Phrynocephalus helioscopus persi- cus and three species of the lacertid genus Eremias occuring in that area (i. e. strauchi, velox, pleskei) are discussed. Finally a !ist of all lizard species and subspecies actually known to occur in this region is given.
Bischoff, W. (2003) -
General remarks on Georgia as nature area and on ist herpetofauna, with discussion about ist population density. Short presentation and hints on distribution and habitats of Eremias arguta transcaucasica, E. velox caucasica, Ophisops elegans elegans, Lacerta agilis brevicaudata, L. agilis ioriensis, L. agilis grusinica, L. media media and L. strigata.
Borkin, L.Ya. & Darevsky, I.S. (1987) -
Боркин Л.Я. & Даревский И.С. (1987) -
Bosch, H.A.J. in den & Bischoff, W. (2004) -
Many regions of the former USSR still re- ceive little attention from Western visitors, herpetologists not excluded. For the Cau- casus Mountains this is all the more sur- prising since the area forms a zone where northern and Middle Eastern flora and fauna meet, and which is thus of considera- bly zoogeographical interest. Presently we find three larger states in the Caucasus: Georgia, Azerbaijan and Arme- nia. Turkey borders to the southwest, Iran to the southeast, and in the north it is the Russian federation. Various smaller parts claim independence. The Black Sea forms the natural western boundary, the Caspian Sea the eastern one. Herpetologically the Caucasus is historically well-known because of the work of Darev- sky and collaborators on the rock lizards (at the time still in the large genus Lacerta, now in Darevskia) and the discovery of the first case of parthenogenesis in vertebrates (DAREVSKY, 1967; DAREVSKII, 1978; DAREVSKY & KULIKOVA, 1961). Below we will concentrate on the results of our field trip to Georgia during the last two weeks of June 2003. Predictably, because of our common interest in the group, the lacertids will receive the most attention.
Darevsky, I.S. (1953) -
Darevsky, I.S. (1957) -
Даревский, И.С. (1957) -
Guo, X.-G. & Chen, D.-L. & Wan, H.-F. & Wang, Y.-Z. (2010) -
The lacertid genus Eremias Fitzinger in Wiegmann,1834,consists of approximately 36 species of racerunners,distributed throughout the desert and semi-desert regions from northern China,Mongolia,Korea,central and southwest Asia to southeastern Europe.This short review represents the history of taxonomic studies in the genus Eremias,including affirmation of the genus and its species,distribution characteristics,phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography.Traditional taxonomic methods,as well as new approaches(mtDNA analysis) are discussed.Future potential research projects on Eremias are outlined,such as phylogeny,phylogeography and speciation process.
郭宪光 陈达丽 万宏富 王跃招 (2010) -
由于各种原因,麻蜥属的分类仍较混乱。本文对麻蜥属的系统学研究历史做了系统回顾,从属、亚属、种 等各级分类水平叙述了其研究历史,包括属的建立与订正、物种组成、地理分布特征,总结了通过外部形态和分子 等研究手段,在分类、系统发育、生物地理等研究层次上所取得的成果,在此基础上提出需要深入研究麻蜥属的系 统发育、谱系地理和物种形成机制等,包括该属分布格局与青藏高原隆升、天山隆升及中亚荒漠化和第四纪冰期的 关系。
Kimovna, P.R. (2018) -
Кимовна, П.Р. (2018) -
Kukushkin, O.V. & Doronin, I.V. & Tuniyev, B.S. & Ananjeva, N.B. & Doronina, M.A. (2017) -
An overview of the cases of introduction (both accidental and intentional) of amphibians and reptiles in the Caucasus and Crimea is provided. The introduction cases are systemized in accordance with the goals and ways of introduction and with regards to the expected scale of the impact and its nature. No negative consequences of the introduction of amphibian and reptile species in the Crimea and Caucasus are currently observed on any of the known examples. No cases of species naturalization, which the “invasion” term can be applied to, have been revealed. The importance of allochthonous populations as experimental sites to study microevolutionary processes and ecological adaptations of the species in new environmental conditions is discussed.
Кукушкин О.В., Доронин И.В., Туниев Б.С., Ананьева Н.Б., Доронина М.А. (2017) -
Представлен обзор случаев интродукции (как случайной, так и преднамеренной) земноводных и пресмыкаю- щихся на Кавказе и в Крыму. Факты интродукции систематизированы по целям и путям проникновения живот- ных с учетом предполагаемого масштаба воздействия и характера влияния на природные комплексы. Негатив- ные последствия интродукции видов земноводных и пресмыкающихся в Крыму и на Кавказе в настоящее время не прослеживаются ни на одном из известных нам примеров; случаи натурализации видов, к которым обосно- ванно может быть применен термин «инвазия», не выявлены. Рассмотрено значение аллохтонных популяций как экспериментальных полигонов для изучения микроэволюционных процессов и экологических адаптаций видов в новых для них условиях.
Leviton, A.E. & Anderson, S.C. (2010) -
Nikolsky, A.M. (1915) -
Orlova, V.F. (2008) -
Orlova, V.F. & Poyarkov, N.A. & Chirikova, M.A. & Dolotovskaya, S.I. (2007) -
Szczerbak, N.N. (1982) -
Elements of the herpetofauna are in the author`s opinion of great importance for the zoogeographical division of the Palaearctic region. It is suggested that this region be divided into the following four subregions: 1/ arctic, 2/ boreal Euro-Siberian, 3/ bo- real Himalayan-Manchurian and 4/ Mediterranean-Central-Asiatic.