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  • Arillo, A. & Balletto, E. & Spanò, S. (1967) -  Il genere Latastia Bedriaga in Somalia. -  Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti Biologici Dell’Università di Genova, 35 (229): 105-145.  

  • Bischoff, W. (1998) -  Übersicht der Arten und Unterarten der Familie Lacertidae. 5. Nachtrag. -  Die Eidechse, Bonn, 9 (3): 91-99.  

  • Chirio, L. & LeBreton, M. (2007) -  Atlas des reptiles du Cameroun. -  Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, IRD, Paris. 688 pp.  

  • Cissé, M. & Karns, D.R. (1979) -  Les sauriens du Sénégal. -  Bulletin de l`Institut Fondamental d`Afrique Noire 40 (1): 144-211.  

  • Lanza, B. (1990) -  Amphibians and reptiles of the Somali Democratic Republic: Checklist and biogeography. -  Biogeographia, 14: 407-429.  

  • Loveridge, A. (1936) -  African reptiles and amphibians in Field Museum of Natural History. - Lacertidae. -  Publication (Field Museum of Natural History), 22 (1): 59-63.  

  • Marx, H. (1968) -  Checklist of The Reptiles and Amphibians of Egypt. -  Special Publication United States Naval Research Unit Number Three Cairo, Egypt. 91 pp.    

  • Papenfuss, T.J. (1969) -  Preliminary Analysis of the Reptiles of Arid Central West Africa. -  The Wasmann Journal of Biology, 27 (2): 249-325.   

  • Parker, H.W. (1942) -  The lizards of British Somaliland. -  Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 91 (1): 1-101.    

  • Reuss, A. (1834) -  Description of Latastia longicaudata.  -  In: “Zoologische Miscellen, Reptilien. Saurier. Batrachier”. Museum Senckenbergianum, Frankfurt am Main, 1 (6): 27-62.   

  • Schätti, B. (2001) -  On the type locality and North-east African distribution of Latastia l. longicaudata (REUSS, 1834). -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 14 (1/2): 5-7.