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of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Darevskia spitzenbergerae (EISELT, DAREVSKY & SCHMIDTLER, 1992)
Arribas, O. & Candan, K. & Kornilios, P. & Ayaz, D. & Kumlutas, Y. & Gül, S. & Yilmaz, C. & Yildirim Caynak, E. & Ilgaz, C. (2022) -
Revealing biodiversity allows the accurate determination of the underlying causes of many biological processes such as speciation and hybridization. These processes contain many complex patterns, especially in areas with high species diversity. As two of the prominent zoogeographic areas, Anatolia and Caucasus are also home to the genus Darevskia, which has a complex morphological structure and parthenogenetic speciation. Darevskia valentini and D. rudis are two largely distributed taxa of this genus, both of which have a controversial taxonomic delimitation. Here we performed both a highly detailed morphological comparison and a molecular evaluation for the populations in both species groups. The most comprehensive taxonomic revision of this complex was carried out to determine the cases where the data obtained were compatible or not with each approach. As a result of the obtained outputs, it seems that D. spitzenbergerae stat. nov., D. mirabilis stat. nov. and D. obscura stat. nov. should be accepted as the species level, this later with subspecies D. o. bischoffi comb. nov. and D. o. macromaculata comb. nov.. Also, we propose two new taxa: D. josefschmidtleri sp. nov. and D. spitzenbergerae wernermayeri ssp. nov.. It has also been shown that “lantzicyreni” subspecies belong to D. rudis instead of D. valentini. The extensive revision has contributed to subsequent studies to more accurately understand the past histories of species in the genus Darevskia.
Barabanov, A.V. & Doronin, I.V. (2020) -
Ilya S. Darevsky co-described 70 taxa (three genera, 46 species, 21 subspecies) in 44 publications belonging to five orders, eight families of amphibians and reptiles during his career in herpetology. Of this number, three taxa are fossil and 57 taxa are currently considered as valid. By the regions where new taxa were discovered Southeast Asia and Western Asia (includes Caucasus and Asia Minor) dominates. The largest number of descriptions was published in the Russian Journal of Herpetology.
Eiselt, J. & Darevsky, I.S. & Schmidtler, J.F. (1992) -
Series of newly collected specimens of Lacerta valentini BOETTGER in Eastern Turkey were closely investigated in order to demarcate the areas of the subspecies L. v. valentini and L. v. lantzicyreni. Intermediary populations were found to exist between them, one was described as a new subspecies, Lacerta valentini spitzenbergerae, living in the Cilo-Dag Mountains, Vilayet Hakkâri, Turk
Franzen, M. (2000) -
Presently, the lacertid fauna of Turkey consists of 67 species and subspecies. Since 1990 one species has been recorded as new for Turkey (Acanthodactylus schreiberi), and four species (Darevskia dryada, D. `bendimahiensis`, D. `sapphirina`, Lacerta cyanisparsa) and two subspecies (D. valentini spitzenbergerae, D. raddei vanensis) were newly described. Contrastingly, the formerly listed D. r. raddei does not occur in Turkey. Furthermore it is proposed to reject Parvilacerta parva from the fauna of the European part of Turkey until its presence there has been confirmed, and to reject Darevskia mixta from the Turkish herpetofauna until the record has been confirmed or the material has been re-examined. In addition, an overview on taxonomical changes and new distributional data regarding Turkish lacertids since 1990 is given. Finally, a checklist of all taxa currently known from Turkey is presented.
Leviton, A.E. & Anderson, S.C. (2010) -
Litvinchuk S.N. & Aksyonov N.D. & Borkin L.J. & Doronin I.V. & Erashkin V.O. & Kidov A.A. (2024) -
The study of genome size variation in cells of vertebrates using the DNA flow cytometry makes it possible to precisely determine polyploid individuals, which is extremely important when studying the processes of reticulate speciation. In addition, in many groups of vertebrates, closely related species often differ in the nuclear DNA content. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to explore the variability of genome size and ploidy in populations of 29 species and subspecies of mountain lizards of the genus Darevskia, as well as their hybrids. As a result of the study, the range of variability in individuals of different ploidy (91% of diploid and 9% of triploid individuals) was established not to overlap. Among diploid species, no correlation was found between the nuclear DNA content and phylogenetic relationships, geographic coordinates, altitude, average annual temperatures and precipitation. Representatives of all studied species complexes (with the exception of D. adjarica) had approximately the same limits of variability. Two species (D. derjugini and D. saxicola) show significant intraspecific variability. Comparisons of the genome size of parthenogenetic and bisexual species generally revealed no noticeable differences between them. Studies of triploid hybrids have shown that their genome size as a whole roughly corresponds to the sum of the average size of the diploid genome of the maternal parthenogenetic species and the haploid genome of the paternal species. The variability of genome sizes within samples of triploid hybrids was on average slightly higher than in most parthenogenetic species, but some lower than in bisexual species. The paper discusses peculiarities of reticulate speciation in this group of animals.
С.Н. Литвинчукa, Н.Д. Аксеновa, Л.Я. Боркинc, И.В. Доронинc, В.О. Ерашкинd, А.А. Кидов (2024) -
Измерение размера генома в клетках позвоночных животных с помощью прецизионного мето- да проточной ДНК-цитометрии позволяет безошибочно определять полиплоидных особей, что крайне важно при изучении процессов гибридогенного видообразования. Кроме того, во мно- гих группах позвоночных животных близкородственные виды часто различаются по количеству ядерной ДНК. Поэтому целью нашего исследования было изучение с помощью этого метода из- менчивости размера генома и плоидности в популяциях скальных ящериц рода Darevskia, а также их гибридов. В ходе исследования 29 видов и подвидов установлено, что размах изменчивости у особей с разной плоидностью (91% диплоидных и 9% триплоидных особей) не перекрывался. Среди диплоидных видов связи между количеством ядерной ДНК и филогенетическими вза- имоотношениями, географическими координатами, высотой, среднегодовыми температурами и количеством осадков выявлено не было. Представители всех изученных комплексов видов (за исключением D. adjarica) имели примерно одинаковые пределы изменчивости. У ряда видов (D. derjugini и D. saxicola) отмечена существенная внутривидовая изменчивость. Сравнение раз- мера генома у партеногенетических и бисексуальных видов в целом не выявило заметных разли- чий между ними. Изучение триплоидных гибридов показало, что их размер генома, как правило, примерно соответствует сумме среднего диплоидного размера генома материнского партеногене- тического вида и гаплоидного генома отцовского вида. Изменчивость по размеру генома внутри выборок триплоидных гибридов в среднем была несколько выше, чем у большинства партеноге- нетических видов, но чуть ниже, чем у бисексуальных видов. В статье обсуждаются особенности гибридогенного видообразования в данной группе животных.
Mayer, W. & Bischoff, W. (2001) -