AG magazine (in print)
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Literature- and poster projects
of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Lacerta agilis mzymtensis TUNIYEV & TUNIYEV, 2008
Ananjeva, N.B. & Borkin, L.Y. & Darevsky, I.S. & Orlov, N.L. (1998) -
Bischoff, W. (1981) -
Remarks on distribution and mode of life of Lacerta agilis. Short review of its subspecies . Critical remarks on their status.
Bischoff, W. (2020) -
The author gives an insight into his decade-long engagement with the sand lizard.
Bischoff, W. & Zawadzki, M. (2021) -
After being voted «Reptile of the year 2020» the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) was featered extensively in the publications and on the websites of the relevant specialist organizations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg (- not least in this magazine -), and it has repeatedly served as an attractive advertising medium for the protection of our amphibians and reptiles in the daily press. Nevertheless, numerous activities and conferences fell victim to the pandemic last year. And so it seems only logical to give the sand lizard a second chance. For this reason the German Society for Herpetology and Herpetoculture (DGHT), in cooperation with the Austrian Society for Herpetology (ÖGH), the Coordination Center for Amphibian and Reptile Protection in Switzerland (karch), the Natural History Museum Luxembourg (MNHN) and the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany (NABU), annouce the sand lizard «Reptile of the Year 2021».
Doronina, M.A. & Doronin, I.V. & Lukonina, S.A. & Mazanaeva, L.F. & Lotiev, K.Yu. & Ananjeva, N.B. (2023) -
DNA barcoding remains a recognized and widely used method for taxon identification in biodiversity inventory and monitoring. In this publication, we present information about the results of using this method in the study of green lizards of the genus Lacerta. A total of 67 sequences of the COI gene fragment of three species (L. agilis, L. media, L. strigata) were analyzed. For the first time, all subspecies of L. agilis known in the Caucasus were studied using DNA barcoding, and a phylogeographic hypothesis for L. strigata in the Caucasian part of the range was proposed. Genetic identification has been successful at the species level. In the composition of L. agilis within the Caucasus, we can diagnose only the subspecies L. a. boemica and L. a. exigua, while L. a. brevicaudata, L. a. grusinica and L. a. mzymtensis are identical from L. a. exigua, while L. a. ioriensis from L. a. boemica.
М. А. Доронина, И. В. Доронин, С. А. Луконина, Л. Ф. Мазанаева, К. Ю. Лотиев, Н. Б. Ананьева (2023) -
штрихкодирование остается признанным и широко используемым методом идентификации таксонов при инвентаризации и мониторинге биоразнообразия. В публикации мы приводим сведе- ния о результатах использования этого метода при изучении зеленых ящериц рода Lacerta. Всего было проанализировано 67 последовательностей фрагмента гена COI трех видов (L. agilis, L. media, L. strigata). Впервые c помощью ДНК-штрихкодирования изучены все известные на Кавказе подви- ды L. agilis, предложена филогеографическая гипотеза для L. strigata в кавказской части ареала. Ге- нетическая идентификация была успешной на видовом уровне. В составе L. agilis в пределах Кавка- за мы можем диагностировать только подвиды L. a. boemica и L. a. exigua, тогда как L. a. brevicaudata, L. a. grusinica и L. a. mzymtensis по выбранному маркеру неотличимы от L. a. exigua, а L. a. ioriensis от L. a. boemica.
Tuniyev, S.B. & Tuniyev, B.S. (2008) -
Intraspecific variation of sand lizard in the Western Caucasus is discussed with description of a new high-mountain subspecies Lacerta agilis mzymtensis ssp. nov. from upper basing of Mzymta River (vicinity of Sochi, Russia).