

Volume 2020:  8 articles

  • Berg, M.P. van den (2020) -  Could this be the first live image of Ichnotropis microlepidota? -  L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online), 2020 [2]: 14-18.    

  • Troidl, S. & A. Troidl (2020) -  Fotoexkursion zu den Eidechsen des Paros-Archipels (Griechenland). -  L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2020 [1]: 1-14.    

  • Zawadzki, M. (2020) -  Success model “island lizard” – or rather a bleak future for the Ibiza wall lizard Podarcis pityusensis (BOSCÁ, 1883)? -  L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online), 2020 [3]: 19–41.    

  • Oberhofer, S. (2019) -  Feldbeobachtungen an einer allochthonen Population der Ruineneidechse (Podarcis siculus campestris) in der Schweiz. -  L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2020 [4]: 42–45.    

  • Troidl, S. & A. Troidl (2020) -  Eingeschleppte Madeira-Mauereidechsen (Teira dugesii) in Las Palmas auf Gran Canaria. -  L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2020 [5]: 46–54.     

  • Washington, O. (2020) -  Wie ein Zoo an einer Landstraße eine Eidechseninvasion nach Victoria auslöste. -  L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2020[6]: 55–59.    

  • Washington, O. (2020) -  How a roadside zoo unleashed a lizard invasion on Victoria. -  L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2020[6]: 55–59.     

  • Deichsel, G. (2020) -  Die Geschichte der Historie der Stuttgarter Westlichen Smaragdeidechsen Lacerta b. bilineata DAUDIN, 1802. -  L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2020[7]: 60–68    

Published by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lacertiden in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V.

 Marten van den Berg
 Purmerenderweg 141
 1461DH Zuidoostbeemster
 The Netherlands
 Siegfried Troidl
 Händelstraße 8
 90768 Fürth
 Wolfgang Bischoff
 Am Brückbusch 1
 39114 Magdeburg (OT Pechau)
 Mike Zawadzki
 Hellgrund 51
 22880 Wedel

Contact: webmaster@lacerta.de

Instructions for Authors

Since 2013 L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online) publishes articles on the topic of “real lizards” (Lacertidae) in Portable Document Format (PDF). The aim of this publication platform is to close the gap between traditional print media and our Internet presentations in HTML format. You can send your manuscript by email to webmaster@lacerta.de. For larger data files (from 15 MB), it is recommended to use the free service www.wetransfer.com. Please do not include tables and figures in the text, but save them separately. The image files (. Jpg or. Tiff) are best left in their original condition. The accompanying captions are to be saved as a separate text file. Please send us also a list of references and sources of information that you used for your manuscript.

After editorial processing we will send you the PDF file for approval. Should you have questions or do you need help, please consult us for advice.